Chapter 10: Final Battle (Part 1)

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"The cage didn't break to the Three Sacred Treasures?!" I almost cried.

"I tried, Pit, I tried!" Pittoo almost yelled, "And before I could try another method, Hades pinned Hecate down and destroyed the Treasures! He almost killed me in the process! They're gone, Pit! I don't know what else to do! And I'm the smart one here!"

He sank to his knees, slowly allowing himself to sit down. He hugged his knees and buried his head into them. I sat down next to him, still hidden in the corner behind a pillar.

"We're gonna stay like this forever, Pit Stain," he said helplessly, "We might as well just keep these stupid disguises since we can't be ourselves anymore."

The very fact that Pittoo was giving up made me feel sick. I felt like I was gonna throw up. Pittoo giving up is very uncommon. I've never seen him hopeless like this. He looked so desperate. And when it comes to handling emotions, he was stronger than me. So the fact he was giving up made me feel like there's no point, either. But a strong feeling inside me— a burning feeling a can't describe— was resonating. I felt brave, hoping there really was another way to release my wings.

"Pittoo, we're not giving up," I begged him, "Please. There has to be a way! There has to be!"

He looked up at me, his golden eyes dull and sunken.

"What else can we do?" He muttered.

Thoughts began running through my head. Only one with true light can break it is what Thanatos had said. One with true light...

"What if we brought Lady Palutena over there?" I suggested, "Thanatos said, 'One with true light.' It seems that he was referring to a person."

Pittoo's eyes widened and regained their glow. Hope returned to his face.

"Oh my gods, Pit, you're a genius for once," he grinned, "And if it's not Palutena, I have a pretty good idea of who it is."

At least Pittoo has a back up plan!

"Let's try her first, though," I smiled at him, "Right now, she's our best bet."

Well, I think so, at least. She's the Goddess of Light after all. She can probably create pure light, so that means she must be made of that, too.

I immediately decided to contact Viridi about this.

Viridi? I called in my mind.

Pit? She replied immediately.

And Dark Pit, Pittoo added. He smiled at me a little.

Oh, Dark Pit! How did it go? Viridi asked, Quickly, because we don't have much time here!

The Treasures didn't work, he answered.
I heard Viridi take a breath— it was the same breath she'd take before screaming.

But don't panic! I assured her quickly, Pittoo and I thought of a solution! What if it was a person? A person of true light?

There was a pause.

So you're saying we should all go over there to test that? Viridi asked, Palutena especially?

Yup, Pittoo and I both said.

Alright, Viridi said, I'll bring them over there. It'll look like we came to help Hecate. But of course, Palutena can't know about the wings... not right now, at least.

She could create a beam made of her light for us to hold and we could throw it at the cage, Pittoo suggested.

We'll try that, Viridi agreed, Nonetheless, I'm taking the battle near the throne room, so be prepared, everyone!

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