Chapter 8: The God of Death

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We all decided it'd be nice to take a little break and rest. Lady Palutena definitely had to. We took her to the Lightning Chariot, her body still sleeping. Hecate let her rest on her lap as she sat in the cart in the back attached to the chariot. Poseidon sat with her, but Viridi came up with Pittoo and me this time. It was kinda tight, but still.

"So where to?" I asked.

"Let's take her to my place," Hecate suggested, "I'll have rooms prepared for all of you in a flash, don't worry."

"I trust you," I chuckled, tugged the reins of the unicorns, "Let's go! Phos! Lux! To Hecate's temple!"

The unicorns whinnied and took off. As we flew, Viridi looked super nervous about something. I kept glancing back at her to see if I could catch a reason why she was nervous, but I couldn't.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Wha?" She looked up at me, blinking her hazel eyes twice, "O-oh, yeah, I'm fine. Pfft, yeah."

"You don't seem like it," Pittoo chimed in.

"Whatever..." Viridi sighed, "It just... We're solving all of this so quickly. As much hatred as I showed towards you guys, I enjoyed spending time with you two."

What she said took me by surprise.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed, "You didn't show that much hatred when you began helping us! A lot of sarcasm, but not hatred!" I looked up ahead of me and said, "And Viridi, I also enjoyed your company. Thank you so much for helping me."

I didn't hear any response from her. I glanced back, and I saw she was smiling to herself and blushing a little bit. I smiled. If only she knew how nice she looked with a genuine smile. She'd probably smile like that more often.

"We're here," Pittoo announced as we were approaching the temple.

The unicorns slowed down and parked in front of Hecate's castle-like temple. Everyone got out, Poseidon carrying Lady Palutena's sleeping body. At least she looked calmer right now. I can't wait to see her real self again.
We went inside, and Hecate got all of the rooms ready with a quick snap. Of course Pittoo and I had to share a room, but that wasn't too bad.

We laid on our beds, staring at the ceiling.

"We're getting closer," I said.

"I know," he replied, "It's weird. It's like it's been like this for years. I even got used to this stupid disguise."

I barely noticed I still was blonde and had a completely different appearance.

"Yeah," I agreed, "Me too..."

We were silent for a little. I exhaled, thoughts rushing through my head.

"Pittoo?" I spoke up.

He let out a laugh. I looked over at him.

"I even got used to you calling me that without me getting angry," he shook his head, his arms folded behind it and acting as a pillow, "Yeah, what's up?"

I took a deep breath, wondering if I should ask him what I was thinking. This whole adventure made me realize I didn't just have to rely on Lady Palutena. I feel more independent; making my own decisions and allies along the way. Sure, I might've had a lot of help from my allies, but I'm the one who made the choices to accept their help. I wasn't a follower anymore. I helped them, but they also helped me. My relationship with Lady Palutena was that I always did what she told me to do. I was obedient, and even though I had similar beliefs to hers, I always did as she asked. This adventure changed me. I wonder how she'd react.

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