Chapter 5: Dark Magic

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"Oh! I remember Ares!" Viridi face-palmed herself when Pittoo and I told her the story Poseidon told us the next morning. I mean, we had to sleep. "My memories about the event are flooding back now. I just remember all the other gods saying it was really dangerous to allow Ares to keep living because of his power. He became significantly more powerful after he read that book."

Wait a minute. Wait. Hold that thought. Book. Why am I remembering the symbols in that weird dream just now?! They're obviously in a specific order!

"Viridi, remember that dream I had?" I asked.
She nodded. Pittoo just looked at me with a confused expression.

"It's in order of the events to take place!" I exclaimed, "First the laurel with the coin, which symbolized Pittoo, and then the trident, which symbolized Poseidon! The book is definitely that magic one! So that's where we're going next!"

"You're actually using your brain for once, you chicken," Viridi grinned.

"I'm not—"

"That's not the point, Pit," Viridi rolled her eyes.

"So what, we're just gonna barge into Hecate's lair and ask for that book?" Pittoo folded his arms, "What if she doesn't even have it anymore?"

"We have to check there first and ask her who took it if she saw!" I frowned at him.

"And if she doesn't have it and doesn't know who took it?" Pittoo's eyes narrowed.

"Then we gather clues about who must've taken it!" I exclaimed. I turned to Viridi, "Can you send us to Hecate's lair or something? Are we gonna have to fight or is she an ally of yours?"
Viridi looked away, hugging her staff.

"She was," she answered, "But we cut ties years ago. I don't exactly remember for what exact reason, but she assumed I did something I didn't do. So I could send you, just don't immediately tell her I was the one who sent you. Just lead up to it when she begins to trust you enough, I guess."

"How is she?" Pittoo asked, "As in her personality? Obviously we need to know that to stay on her good side."

"She doesn't open up too easily," Viridi sighed, "But explain your situation to her. She's very aware about you being the last natural-born angel, Pit. She's actually been trying to find a way to resurrect at least a few angels to help the population again. And she's the one who created the Mirror of Truth with some other gods centuries ago, so she'll be able to connect to you too, Dark Pit. Just... I wish you luck."

With that, Viridi's light shined over us, and we were off. I remember how I used to get to places— I was in this weird void hallway thing, double doors opened up to a sky, and I flew. Good thing Viridi could just teleport us places, or else we'd be falling from the sky.

Pittoo and I appeared in front of a huge, dark castle. It wasn't scary, but it didn't look super welcoming, either.

This is Hecate's temple, Viridi informed, It looks gloomy on the outside, but trust me, the inside is gorgeous.

"Psh, sure, whatever," Pittoo rolled his eyes and began to walk towards the doors, "C'mon, Pit. Let's get this over with."

I heard Viridi groan in the back of my head. I smiled a little. Her and Pittoo's bickering is kinda funny, if I'm being honest.

I nodded and I followed the ex-angel to the doors. He knocked loudly. Footsteps were immediately heard, and the doors opened to a tall woman with long, dark brown-black hair that was tied with gold ringlets spaced out, making it into a low ponytail. She had a gold laurel on her head with little star designs and shapes all over. Her eyes were a grass green, almost like Lady Palutena's, and her skin was a tan, maybe like an olive (in skin tones, not a literal olive, heheh...). She had a lot of gold and purple accessories, and her dress was mostly black with designs of purple, maroon, and gold. She looked really nice. She looked a little surprised that we stood at her door, her eyes widening a little and frowned.
"How did you two get here?" She asked, "Humans aren't even able to get to Skyworld without a god's help, and that's really rare."

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