Ch. 28 Secrets Revealed (Prom pt.2)

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   Yep, long wait I know. I don't even have a reason for waiting so long to update, I just didn't..? But you guys have been begging for this last chapter and I'm finally publishing it. Enjoy the final chapter of LWMB...and soon you'll get the epilogue too :)
*also slight cursing warning though it's happened before*

Ch. 28 Secrets Revealed (Prom pt.2)

••••3rd POV••••

        Iris' heart was pounding out of her chest. She had no idea what Oliver was going to say next. The way he was staring at her made her more anxious.

"I've done a lot of things throughout the years...most I'm not proud of. I've hurt people...people close to me and people that didn't deserve the pain I inflicted on them." The room had gone quiet, "There's this room, who I was a complete as- jerk.. to." Oliver glances at the chaperones in the room, "And due to reasons I won't announce, they now live with me."

Iris' lips part in surprise. Is this about me? She glances around the room. Students looked curious and yet confused. The boys and Kayla were grinning, looking over at Iris. Terrence looked angry. His fists were clenched as he glared at Oliver.

"At first," Iris looks back at Oliver, "I thought it was the worst thing to ever happen to me. Now...I was able to realize all of my mistakes because of this person. And much I want to be with them." Oliver smiles, walking off the stage with the microphone in hand as Iris' cheeks flush. "So Iris," The crowd gasps, looking around to find her. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. I appreciate you more than you know."

The crowd of students clapped, some of them 'aw'ing and 'oo'ing. "Wooooo! Go get some of that, Oliver!" Then there was Lucas. The crowd laughs, clapping still at the confession.

Iris hurries over to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Oliver squeezes her in his arms, chuckling softly.

"Oliver, that was amazing. I can't believe you told everyone that." Iris says, looking up at him as she pulls away. "Well, I'm not exactly finished yet.." He mumbles, looking at someone in the crowd.

"Second off, I'd like to say that most of you recognize the name 'The Reaper'. Cliche, right?" Oliver teases as some people in the crowd laugh a bit, "Well everyone knows of the little..rivalry we have. But no one knows who he is. Except me....and maybe Adam, Lucas and Ross..but that's besides the point." Oliver shrugs, walking through the crowd. "He's caused me a lot of pain. Did I deserve it? Absolutely. But from him? No."

Iris purses his lips at that. Sure, Oliver kinda deserved to learn his lesson. But he didn't deserve getting his butt kicked that night. Maybe...

"Not only with the mask on..but without it as well, has he found ways to annoy me. And hopefully Iris doesn't hate me for not telling her this before but..." Oliver finally stops in front of someone, "Did you really have to go through all this trouble to irritate me, Terrence?" He asks, then hands the mic back to the leader of the prom committee.

Iris' eyes widen. It was Terrence? Was he only acting nice and flirty to get to Oliver? And why wouldn't Oliver tell me before? Iris bites her lip, feeling played. There was a hand on Iris' shoulder. When she turned to look, Kayla was there giving her a sympathetic smile.

The crowd murmurs. No one was exactly happy with the way the fight ended between Reaper and Oliver. The room was full of teens shouting as they crowded the two. Chaperones and teachers began to try and get through the crowd to break up the fight.

"That was you?"

"I can't believe you would do such a thing!"

"You're a coward for running!"

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