Ch. 17 Oliver's The New Champ

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Ch. 17 Oliver's The New Champ

••••••Iris' POV••••••

"I don't wanna go..." I whine, pouting. "Iris, stop whining, and go put on your shoes." Oliver demands, frustrated with me. "But I don't want to go!" I rub my slightly red eyes, showing how 'tired' I was. "I don't care if you're hungover or tired, we have to go to school." Oliver glares at me, grabbing his car keys from the coffee table in the living room.

"My head hurts though.." I mutter, reluctantly putting on my sneakers. Oliver sighs, walking over to me. "Just drink a lot of water and be cautious today," He bends down, tying my sneakers for me, "I know how clumsy you are." He adds. I stare at him as he ties my laces, he's never done this before.

Before he could stand up straight, "Piggy back?" I ask, making my body go somewhat limp as if to convince him to carry me. "Iris, no. I have to carry my book bag." He declines, shaking his head. "You can carry me and I'll carry out book bags." I offer, smiling wide. Oliver stares at me before sighing in defeat, "Fine." He hands me his book bag which I easily pick up, throwing over one shoulder.

"Heavy?" He asks. "Nope." I reply, throwing my book bag over my other shoulder. He nods and I jump up on his back unexpectedly causing him to stumble slightly but he regains himself.

"Maybe give me a heads up next time?" He glances at me out of the corner of his eye. "Sorry.." I apologize, smiling sheepishly. "It's alright," He mutters, beginning to walk to the car.

He opens the car door and sets me down in it, careful to not hit my head on the roof of the car. "Did you actually want my help or did you use your 'hangover' as an advantage?" He asks, doing air quotes around the word hangover. "Ehh..both." I reply, grinning at him. He rolls his eyes and closes the door for me.

I chuckle, watching him walk over and get into the driver's seat. "Why are you forcing me to school anyway?" I ask as he starts the engine. "Because my mom doesn't know about what happened to you and if you don't go to school, she'll be suspicious." Oliver explains. "Fair enough." I shrug as we begin to drive to school.


    I walk out of English with Lucas by my side. "I hate English, it's so boring." Lucas complains, groaning. "How would you know? You're always asleep." I tease, laughing a bit.

"Not always. I was awake when you spoke back to her." He points out. "Yea, cause you later said you could feel the tension in the air while you were sleeping." I add, chuckling. "Actually, my exact words were 'there's a disturbance in the force', but you have a point there." He grins, chuckling.

"Iris! Lucas!" We hear a familiar voice call. Lucas and I turn around to see Terrence running over to us.

"What happened to you guys last night?" Terrence asks us, but it seemed more directed to me. "Uh..we forgot we were busy?" I try to lie. "All of you? Even Kayla, Adam, Ross and Oliver?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, we're all in a..uh club..." Lucas tries to lie as well.

Out of all of us, Lucas and I are the worst at lying, we can't lie if our lives depended on it.

"What kind of club?" Terrence asks, not deciding to just leave us alone.

"Chess club."

"Book club."

Lucas and I glance at each other nervously, realizing we said two completely different things at the same time.

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