Christmas Special: Part 1

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    I know that not everyone celebrates Christmas but as soon as I remembered that it was coming up, I had to write a special for Living With my Bully. You don't have to read it if you don't want to, but it's called a 'special' for a reason, isn't it? 😏 (PS. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!)

Christmas Special: Part 1:

"Oliver, can you get the decorations from the basement please?" Ms.Sullivan asks as she walks down the stairs towards us in the living room. Does she...does she mean the Christmas decorations?! Yes, finally! I love Christmas!

Oliver nods quickly, getting up off the couch and walks towards the door leading to the basement. "Do you need help?" I offer, a grin spreading across my face. He raises an eyebrow at me, probably confused as to why I'm grinning. Christmas is in three weeks, who wouldn't be happy?! "No thanks, I'll be fine." He simply states, then disappears into the basement.

I frown a bit, looking back at the tv. "Don't worry Iris, you can help me with the speaker. We usually play Christmas music as we decorate!" Ruby exclaims, smiling wide. She grabs my hands and begins pulling me to the kitchen where the speaker was seen last. "Ruby, don't hurt the poor girl!" We hear Ms.Sullivan exclaim. Ruby loosens her grip on my hand, mumbling a sorry.

Ms.Sullivan follows in after us, smiling as well. Wow, Christmas joy spreads fast in this house. "Can you play 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' first? It's my favorite." Ms.Sullivan requests as I connect my phone to the speaker. "You got it!" I exclaim, smiling at her and looking up the song on YouTube. YouTube never fails me.

We hear Oliver grunt in the other room, most likely from carrying a lot of boxes up here. "Oh perfect! I love decorating for Christmas!" Ms.Sullivan cheers, walking out of the kitchen and into the living room again. "Mommy, wait," Ruby runs after her mom, "Are we baking cookies again too?" I hear her ask from afar.

I chuckle. My dad and I always baked many sweets during this time of year. Mostly cookies and cupcakes. I smile at the memory, then click a Christmas playlist on YouTube before going back into the living room. Apparently, Ruby and Ms.Sullivan have started decorating. Oliver is putting up the tree in the corner of the room so we could start putting the ornaments on it. Now that I think about it, I don't have my decorations anymore. When I moved into this house, I was told to take certain things since the family would provide whatever else I needed. My dad didn't write a will either, it's not like he knew this would happen, and he was still pretty young too.

"Iris, dear, are you alright?" I hear Ms.Sullivan ask, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes, I'm alright. Sorry if I worried you, I was just thinking." I reassure her, smiling as to say I'm okay. She nods in understanding, "I was just saying we had extra decorations for you to choose from. Choose whichever you like, okay?" She tells me, smiling. I nod, walking over to a box in the room.

Inside the box, were different and diverse types of stockings.
One stocking had a scenery of a house with a fire in the fireplace visible through the window and it was snowing, it reads 'Let it snow, let it snow' at the top.
The next stocking was simple, Santa riding his sleigh off into the night. Another was a patter of red and green stripes with a few small jingly balls dangling from the top and read the words 'Jingle Bells'.
One was of the Grinch, grinning his famous grin.
The next had words, it read 'Bah humbug,' then further down said 'just kidding, merry Christmas to all!'

I chuckle. I think I'm going to go with the Grinch stocking, he was so relatable  and funny throughout the movie. That was my favorite Christmas movie, and still is now.

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