Ch.2 Today's A Bad Day

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Ch.2 Today's A Bad Day

My alarm goes off. I groan and sit up in bed. In the mirror, I see my hair is all over the place. Why can't I wake up like Cinderella? I look like I've been out in the wild for years. I roll my eyes and get out of bed, getting clothes out. Damn school...always interrupting my dreams. I was about to get married to Dave Franco! Once I pick out some clothes, I begin to get dressed. Panic! at the disco t-shirt, tights as black as my soul (if I'd have one), and some converse, just the way I like it! After taking one last look in the mirror and putting my hair up in a high ponytail, I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I look around. Dad must've already left..I sigh and put waffles in the toaster.

"Alright Iris, I'll see you at lunch!" Kayla says smiling. "If I can make it to lunch.." I mumble. "You need to tell me if he bothers you, then I can deal with him." Kayla tells me. I sigh. "He won't listen but thanks anyway." I reply shrugging. Kayla flashes me a sympathetic smile before running off to her first period.

I begin walking away to my first period and then feel someone's arm wrap around my shoulder. My cheeks tinge pink. I can never control my blushing! "You're right, I won't listen to her." They whisper in my ear. I already know who it is.

"Ugh, what do you want Sullivan? I really don't want to talk to you right now." I ask him. He puts a hand up to his chest, dramatically. "Can I not check up on my favorite nerd?" He asks, offended. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye.

"If you mean me, then no, I don't want you to check up on me." I tell him, trying to break free from his grip, but to no avail. Oliver chuckles. "And why is that? Everyone else wants to talk to me..actually, let me rephrase that, everyone wants to be in my presence. They're blessed once they're in my presence, so why not you?" Oliver asks, tightening his grip.

The bell rings. "Look, I need to get to homeroom." I say, trying to leave again. "Then answer me as we get to your first period." He says and begins walking to the direction of my homeroom. I groan. "Do I have to?" I ask, looking up at him. What is he, a giant?!

He looks down at me and smirks, continuing to walk to my homeroom. I sigh. "It's pretty obvious actually, you annoy and piss me off all the time for the fun of it. Not only that, you used to embarrass me and hurt me, physically and emotionally." I tell him, looking him in the eye. He's silent. Nothing is heard but our breathing. Oliver then bursts out laughing. I raise an eyebrow, annoyed and confused. "Since when do you have feelings?!" He asks and then continues to laugh, his grip around my shoulder loosening. Oh that does it! I kick him in the diggity dog, his arm slides off my shoulder and I run into my classroom. Thankfully, I'm not late.

Once I get to my desk, I faceplant onto it. I can't believe him! Everyone has feelings! If I didn't have feelings, how would you explain my attraction towards fictional characters and celebrities?! He's just a jerk! I look at the door. Through the glass, I can see Oliver glaring at me.'s been fun God, thanks for this life, I have enjoyed it...most of it anyway. Oliver walks away from the door and the science lesson begins.

The first few minutes of lunch are always the worst for me. Kayla always comes in a few minutes late, that means I'm targeted, not just by Oliver, but Addison too. I go to Kayla and I's usual table, as I'm waiting, I always pull out homework from earlier periods.

Someone behind me clears their throat. I sigh. Just on time. "What do you want?" I ask bluntly, not turning around to face her. Addison scoffs. "First of all, you're not paying me any attention, and second, Kayla isn't here. This is a perfect time to..catch up." Addison says, smirking. I don't answer, just continue to do my homework. I can practically feel her glare now. What if it's her time of the month? I shrug mentally.

"Just fudge off." I say. I'm not a fan of cursing, she knows that. Addison growls. Woah, I didn't know she was a bear. Next thing I know, cold liquid is running down my back. She dumped cold water over my back. Addison laughs, along with the whole cafeteria. I slowly turn around to face her, my eyes narrowed. She stops laughing and looks at me, smirking. "Aw, did I upset you?" She asks in a mocking tone. One thing Addison doesn't know about me, is that I can get really mad. And I don't mean crazy, I mean to the point where I'll be preparing your grave...okay, so maybe a little crazy.

I stand up, the whole cafeteria watching, still laughing a bit. I'm now face to face with Addison, we're around the same height. "If we weren't in school, I would smack that stupid face of yours." I say to her. "Same here but, why wait?" She says and lifts her hand. My eyes widen and I gasp. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, I close my eyes waiting for the impact. Nothing happens.

I open my eyes to see Kayla holding her hand back, accompanied by Adam, Ross, Lucas and...Oliver?! Addison looks over at them and rolls her eyes. "Oh look, Iris' dumb friend, her dumb friend's boyfriend, her dumb friend's boyfriend's best friends, and-" she gasps, "Oliver?!" Addison exclaims, smiling at him. Oliver rolls his eyes while the others motion for him to do something. I watch curiously. He grumbles something to himself then looks up at Addison. "Can you leave nerd alone for a moment?" Oliver asks her. Addison and I's eyes widen. He's..helping me? I look over at Kayla, she smirks and gives me a thumbs up. I smile at her. She told him to do that. Addison gasps but listens to him and begins to walk away. "This isn't over." She whispers to me and continues to leave.

I look at all of them and smile. "Thank you guys. She's a real handful." I tell them. They smile back, except Oliver. "It was no problem, Iris. We actually came over for a completely different reason but, we were glad to help." Lucas says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Why'd you come over then?" I ask. Kayla, Lucas, Adam, and Ross all shove Oliver towards me. He doesn't seem affected by it though. "Here's a gift from us to you." Ross says. I look at Oliver and back at them. "Can I have the receipt?" I ask. They all laugh, except Oliver. "Not funny." Oliver says glaring.

I giggle. "So, why is he my gift exactly?" I ask, confused. Kayla hits him in the back of the head. He sighs. "I'm sorry about earlier." Oliver says, emotionless. I stare at him. "I know you don't mean it..but I'll take what I can get." I say. He then turns around and walks away, Lucas, Adam, and Ross following him.

"Was that so hard?" I hear Lucas ask him. "Yes, yes it was!" Oliver then exclaims. I laugh a little. Kayla and I then go to the bathroom to dry me up.

"THIS IS GOSPELLLLL!" I yell the lyrics off key. Some people give me strange looks and I just shrug, continuing to walk to my house. They're just jealous of my amazing singing skills, duh. Today, Kayla and Adam are on a date so she couldn't drive me home. I don't mind. One, I don't want to be the cause of the cancelation of their date, they're so cute together. Two, I like walking home by myself, I can listen to my music without being bothered. Except, the scene in front of my house is hard to not be bothered by.

My front door is open, a moving truck is outside containing my belongings. Not only that, there is a police car.

Immediately, I run up to the policeman while pulling my earbuds out. "Officer! Is everything alright? What happened?" I ask once I'm near him. Do I even want to know? "Are you Iris Mitchell?" He asks. "Yes.." I say, my heart beats faster. "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but...your father, Christopher Mitchell, passed away in an accident at work. A fire started and your father, being the brave and helpful man he is, went back in to save people..but he couldn't save himself." He tells me.

My book bag slides off my shoulder onto the floor and as the tears begin to stream out, the officer puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm extremely sorry for your loss. For now, you can look around the house one last time before I bring you to your home." The officer tells me. "M-my new home?" I choke out, still crying. "Yes, your father was very good friends with this family and since you had no relatives to go live with, the state decided it would be best if you moved in with the them." The officer tells me. "W-which family is this?" I ask, wiping my eyes with my hands. "You may have spoken to the mother, her name is Sasha." The officer says. I nod a little. "Only twice, but I know her." I say. "That's good, now go ahead, look around." He says and I walk into my house one last time.

Heyo! I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry about not posting! I was writing new chapters constantly without uploading them and I feel so bad!! Then I went on a cruise for a week, but I'm back now! Again, I'm so sorry but expect more updates from now on! Bye bye💖


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