Ch. 27 Announcing King and Queen (Prom pt. 1)

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I'm so sorry for the waiting! I was dealing with finals and other tests(for my state) that are super important and I need to pass! I've been working on this chapter for a while and I'm proud of it. After this chapter, there's just one more and then an epilogue. I hope you enjoy this chapter! (also the pics coming up are characters dresses for prom because I'm bad at describing lol)

 I hope you enjoy this chapter! (also the pics coming up are characters dresses for prom because I'm bad at describing lol)

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 ****Iris' POV****

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****Iris' POV****

As I took in the details of the stunning dress in front of me, I couldn't help but grin widely. It was a long, dark purple dress. There was a v-neck in the top that didn't reach too low. Two straps connected the front with the back of the dress that would reach a bit below mid back. Then there was the long slit in the dress where my leg will be shown.

Ms. Sullivan was looking between the dress and I. "So, what do you think? Pretty cool, huh? I made it specifically for you." She smiles at me, feeling pride in her work. "Cool? This is absolutely amazing! It's beautiful! I can't believe you made this for me." I continue to gawk at the dress before turning to her, smiling wide. "Oh, I'm so glad you like it! I guess being in the fashion biz does have its perks." She giggles a bit at her own statement.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I rush over to her and embrace her, squeezing her tightly though she's probably used to it since Oliver hugs like this too. "Of course! It was nothing. I enjoyed making this dress and seeing you love it makes it so worthwhile." She says, smiling as she pulls away.

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