Ch.3 Welp, It's Been Fun God. Pt.1

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  A/N: I'm very sorry for not updating lately, I feel really bad. The next few chapters will be about Iris moving in and getting settled but trust me, it'll be interesting. But for now, enjoy chapter three!!

Ch.3 Welp, It's Been Fun God

  Dad, I miss you. I open my eyes to see my new home. The police officer opens the door for me and I step out with my book bag mumbling a 'thank you'. The moving van stops in front of the house behind the police car. I let out a shaky breath as the front door opens. Out comes a woman, about one foot taller than me, with her daughter who looks around eight years old. The policeman and I walk up to them.

"Thank you for taking Iris in." The office tells her.

"No, it's not a problem, I'm so glad I could do this!" Sasha says. She looks past the officer at me with a warm smile. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Iris! I'm extremely sorry for your loss. I'm surprised and depressed by this as well. Please, come in, make yourself at home." She tells me. I nod slowly as I walk inside.

When I enter, I walk around, admiring the cozy living room and smile a bit. The daughter comes up to me. "Hi Iris, I've head a lot about you. My name is Ruby!" She says, smiling up at me. I smile down at her. "Ruby, huh?" She nods, "It's a beautiful name." I say. Her cheeks tinge pink. "Thank you!" She says. I nod in response.

"Ruby, can you please show Iris to her new room?" She needs to begin unpacking her items and such." Sasha asks her daughter. "Okay, mommy!" Ruby exclaims, "Follow me, Iris."

We begin to walk upstairs. When we reach the top, I notice there aren't just three bedrooms, but four. Is it another guest room? Or another family member's? We turn and face a white, wooden door that has the letters I, R, I, and S for my name, on it with different colors. "Here we are! Will you need help with your stuff?" Ruby asks me. "I'll be fine, thank you though." I say. She nods and hesitates before walking into a room with the door covered in drawings. That must be her room..and her drawings.

I then open the door to my room. The room was pretty big. It included a closet, two sets of drawers built into the walls, and three large windows, one facing the backyard, another facing the front yard, and the third at the side aligned with the neighbor's window. I can definitely work with this.

"And...done!" I exclaim as I put up my last poster. I smile, proud at the way the room looks. My bed in the center of the room with my beautiful (if I do say so myself) black and blue sheets and pillows. All my clothing hung up in my closet or folded and in my drawers. My work desk sitting in front of the backyard window with my laptop and a lamp on it. All of my books packed away on a book shelf that's near the desk. My dreadful 8,000 pound book bag thrown into a corner of my room. The three trophies I have are sitting on each of my bedside tables.

I know what you're all thinking. 'Haha! What a loser! Only three trophies?! That's so lame!' Well excuse you but I am proud of these babies! And if you still don't care, well then my good ol' pal Hades will be expecting you! So, have fun!

Also, all my beautiful posters of my favorite fictional characters and celebrities are up on the wall. Plus, my giant teddy bear is by my bed! His name is Snuggles. He's my partner in crime and he will snuggle you to death! I've had Snuggles since I was little, my mom gave him to me before she....died.

My thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out to them. Ruby opens the door. "My mom wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready and to come down if you're hungry." She tells me. "Oh yea, uh, lets go." I say. She begins walking downstairs, me trailing behind her to the dining room.

"That was very delicious!" I tell Sasha. She smiles and swats her hand a few times. "Oh, you're making me blush! You should wait until you try my son's cooking!" She replies. EXTRA ROOM EXPLAINED! "Oh, you have a son?" I repeat. "Did Ruby not tell you?" Sasha asks. I shake my head. "I guess it slipped her mind." Sasha says. "I guess it did." I reply. "Well then, yes. I do have a son. He's seventeen years old. Now that I think about it, you both go the same highschool." Sasha tells me.

"Then maybe I know him, or have heard of him at least. What's his name?" I ask her, taking a sip of water. "Oliver." She says, smiling. I choke and cough up water back into the cup. No! No! No! No! No! - Maybe it's a different Oliver! Yea, that's it! I could just be jumping to conclusions! "Iris, are you alright?!" Sasha exclaims, worried. I nod. "I'm fine, sorry if I scared you. But, what's your last name? I don't think you ever told me." I ask her. "Oh, I knew I was forgetting something! Well, I'm Sasha Sullivan, you can address me as Ms.Sullivan." She answers with a warm smile. .....Welp, it's been fun God.......

Heyo!! Again, I'm so sorry for not updating lately! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know Iris didn't XD The next chapter might come out in about 4 or 5 days so expect it then! If you enjoyed this chapter please like, comment, and leave feedback! Have an amazing day! Good night! (I don't know your time zone) Bye bye💖


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