Ch. 21 Dad Problems and Prom Problems

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   Right before this chapter starts I just wanna say, I'm not very familiar with 'prom' so if I get anything wrong, I'm sorry, I just don't really know what happens when it comes to prom🤷‍♀️ It could be different in other places so yeah..

Ch. 21 Dad Problems and Prom Problems

"So you still come up here, huh?"

I jump slightly, "Richard?! What are you doing up here?" I ask him, shocked. "Oh come on, I'm your father Oliver. This was our spot. I knew you'd be up here." He chuckles, walking over and sitting down next to me. I scoot over a bit, feeling my eyes water. Seeing him just makes me want to cry sometimes? Y'know?

He sighs softly, "Oliver, please talk to me. I want to know what's wrong." He says, frowning. "I just don't understand why you left." I look over at him, tears starting to roll down my face, "You told me you wouldn't so why?" I ask. He looks shocked seeing me cry but then he frowns, "Your mother and I started arguing after the incident, she didn't want to support me anymore if she knew I'd get hurt like know that." He replies.

"Why'd you have to get hurt in that fight? Maybe if you were better at boxing, none of this wouldn't of happened." I look away, getting frustrated. "If I was better at boxing?" He scoffs, "I think you're forgetting who taught you everything you know." He says. I stay silent, swallowing hard, "Not everything. Uncle James taught me after you left."

"I heard." He mumbles, "I also heard that you started street fighting." He adds. "Yeah I did," I sigh, "so did your other pupil." I tell him.

His eyes widen, "You mean that other boy who always wore a mask?" He thinks for a moment, "didn't he call himself like 'The Reaper' or something?" He asks. "Yeah," I nod then raise an eyebrow at him, "What other pupil would I be referring to?" I ask. "I'm just making sure I was right." He shrugs, "so how is he anyway?" He asks.

"I hate him now." My dad looks shocked, "We were good friends but now that I found out who it is..I don't want him near me anymore." I tell him. "Oliver, why?" He asks, looking a bit concerned. Maybe because you favored him more than me? "He's now the number one street fighter here..even after I beat him-"

"Wait, you beat him and he's still number one?" He cocks an eyebrows. I nod, "Yeah, it's stupid." I shake my head at the thought. "So why didn't you ever tell me who was under the mask?" I ask. "He told me not to tell you..he didn't want you to be mad at him or something." He answers, shrugging.

"Well, I'm mad now." I say, causing my dad to chuckle. "Did you ever think I would've had a chance to beat him? I remember you saying he was excelling at everything and that I was a bit slow and nervous to learn.." I ask him. He thinks for a moment, "You had a good chance, Oliver, believe me." He replies. I just nod.

I stare at my dad for a moment, "I know that it may be too late but, please tell me secrets from now on." I smile a bit. "Of course, Oliver." He smiles back.

It's silent for a moment.

"So, about Iris-"

I groan, "Seriously?" I mumble. "What?" He holds his hands up in surrender, "I just wanna ask some questions, that's it." He says. I roll my eyes, "Fine." I mutter.

"Does she know about you street fighting?" He asks. "Yeah actually. She came to one of my fights before." I answer. The one against him.. "Wow, really? Was she worried for you? Did she wish you luck?" He asks, a smirk tugging at his lips.

I remember how she ran into my arms, whispering good luck in my ear. I can't help but smile at the memory. "Yeah she did.." I say barely a whisper. "Aw, you really do like her, you've got a big goofy grin on your face." He laughs.
My face flushes and I look away from him, still smiling.

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