Valentines Day Special

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A/N: So, I decided to write a Valentine's Day special, hope you enjoy! was kinda rushed. (Also, it's not Valentine's Day anymore as I publish this, Valentine's Day was a few minutes ago)

Valentines Day Special:
Oliver tosses the rock into the garbage can from where he's sitting on the first step of the front porch. He then looks over at me, bewildered. "What?! You've never had a valentine before?" He repeats, raising his voice a bit. "Damn, you don't have to tell the whole neighborhood about it.." I tease him.

He rolls his eyes, turning his body to face me. "So you've never had a valentine or given a gift or something?" He recalls from our conversation. "Nope, unless you count the candy and cards you'd get in the first grade." I chuckle, after seeing his reaction. "Woah, I swear it's like you haven't lived...that's disappointing." Oliver says, shaking his head.

"Hey, I'm not the only one, there are tons on people like me." I retort, sticking out my tongue in retaliation. "What about you, Oliver? Do you have a valentine?" I ask. "As of right now, no. I'm thinking of asking one of the cheerleaders, they're all hot." He says, grinning. I roll my eyes. "Good luck with that as I stay home and watch Netflix, eating a whole pie of pizza." I tell him.

"You really don't care about Valentine's Day, huh?" Oliver asks. I shrug, "I didnt say that, it's just not my type of holiday. But it's nice for couples to celebrate, or people trying to get noticed by their crush." I explain, smiling at the thought. Oliver smiles at me. "We should probably head back inside for lunch." I say, standing up.

"Wait, let me toss one more rock." Oliver says, standing up with a rock in hand. He closes his eyes this time to challenge himself and throws the rock. I cringe as I hear the rock collide with the hood of the neighbors car, causing the alarm to go off. Oliver and I share a horrified glance before running into the house. Oliver closes the door behind us, closing the windows curtains as well.

"Iris, bro bro?" We jump, not realizing that Ruby was in the room, "Can I ask you both a question?" I nod and Oliver hums a yes. "Do you have a valentine this year?" She asks us. "No, why?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. She shrugs, then smiles widely. "Why don't we have a tea party right now?" She suggests. "Sure, I'll come." I smile then look back at Oliver, "What about you?" "Sure, why not." Oliver says, shrugging.

Ruby races to her room with an ecstatic grin on her face as Oliver and I follow shortly after her. "Wait!" Ruby shouts, stopping us in front of her door. Ruby hands me a yellow stuffed(a toy, I'm not that cruel) bunny and she hands Oliver a light red stuffed(a toy) dog. Just like Clifford. "Iris this is your early valentine, Hopps." She looks over at Oliver, "Bro-bro this is your early valentine, Cherry." Ruby explains, grabbing a purple cat for herself.

"Aw, I love bunnies." I smile, looking down at Hopps. Oliver raises as eyebrow at me. "Really? You don't seem like the type." He says. "Oh yeah, I love them. I had one when I was little, I think I was four." I recall, remembering his brown fur, adorable ears and nose, and his nice brown eyes. He was very friendly and playful, he liked to hide a lot too, the closet was his favorite place. Oliver nods in understanding, giving me his full attention as I begin to recall memories with my bunny.

"I like bunnies too, but I think I like hamsters better." Ruby thinks aloud as we all sit down at the small pink table in its pink seats. Oliver and I chuckle while Ruby pours fake tea in our cups, a grin on her face as she does. "So Ruby, what do you usually do on Valentine's Day?" I ask her. "My class usually hands out candy and cards to each other....people in my class are saying that one boy actually likes me but I just don't know if I believe it..." Ruby says, a light blush on her cheeks.

"Awww..." I mutter, smiling. I know that she's young but I remember having crushes by age seven, it's adorable to see other kids with crushes now too. Oliver suddenly perks up, looking at Ruby with a surprised look on his face. "Who is this boy? Do I know him? How is his behavior? Is he kind to you?" Oliver interrogates Ruby, asking her many more questions and sometimes even forgetting to take a breath of air. "Oliver, leave her alone." I chuckle, shaking my head.

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