Chapter 58

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Jacobs POV

Looking round at everyone in the room my eyes landed on the small group of girls where Emily was walking to- all sitting together looking at the rest of us with both confusion but also intrigue. Emily, Kim, little Claire and my sister Rachel. All ordinary human girls but special in their own way, but more importantly, the entire world towards 4 of my pack brothers. I couldn't stop the wistful smile sliding onto my face. 'My girl should be with them' I think before my eyes found Sam, looking directly into our pack Alpha's eyes - I couldn't hold it in anymore "I found my imprint, I found her, I finally found her" I exclaimed with a goofy grin. As soon as the word imprint left my lips, the whole pack erupted - left, right and centre, everyone started asking question after question in their own excitement, so much so that all the questions started to blur together that even my senses couldn't pick them all up. Trying to focus, I was only able to catch a few questions being thrown at me:

"Have we met her?" Asked Jared.

How did you meet her? When was this? Oh, my god man that's awesome." Asked Quil.

"Is she hot?" Asked Paul. With that comment I couldn't stop the chuckle over my sister's reaction of hitting Paul over the head but even more so the sheepish look our most hotheaded member was able to give 'wow he's smitten' I think before my attention was caught once again.

"Who is she?" asked Leah.

"I'm so happy for you" Sam's voice broke through all the wild questions being asked as well as my own thoughts and my eyes focused on him. My eyes softened when I could see the glances he kept giving to his own imprint 'they really have found true love' I think, imaging myself and Scarlet in their place - being able to look at each other with pure love, adoration and wonder towards what we have found and hopefully being able to spend our lives together just like Sam and Emily and all the other imprints do. Nodding my head towards Sam, I try to answer the questions that were thrown my way. "Her name is Scarlet Quinn-Swan, believe it or not, she's actually Bella's half sister and I met her at forks highschool where she was admiring my bike" I said with a laugh at the faces of each and every person in the room - varying from disbelief and humour to absolute delight until a throat clearing behind us all caught our attention, we all turned as one, to see my dad wheeling into the room and I couldn't help but feel both grown up - knowing that the spirts have blessed me as well as my wolf maturing with me finally finding the only one for me, but also like I'm a little kid all over again waiting for my father's approval. I looked at my dad's almost blank facial expression with something akin to worry only for him to break out into a jaw breaking smile and a laugh himself "Only you Jacob, can find a girl just as passionate about vehicles as yourself - she sounds perfect for you, as she should. I knew Scarlet was going no to be special to you when she came into the shop looking for a bike herself and if I remember correctly Embry was also in agreement" my dad says first looking at me with a proud grin and fatherly love before looking at Embry, who was nodding along in agreement "Couldn't agree more Billy, though Jake I know she's your imprint but she's my best friend and I swear to you, if you hurt her or treat her in any way where I deem unfit - you'll be dealing with me" Embry said so seriously I could do nothing but agree "I'll do anything, absolutely anything to make her happy Embry, I swear to you" I say, my inner alpha unknowingly showing through - showing to everyone present how serious I was being. Gone was the immature young boy they all knew, who was obsessed with getting his childhood best friends attention and in his place was the young adult they see before them, who's wolf is getting ready for the leadership he knows he's born for.

"She certainly knew a lot about my bike" I say with a grin before walking over to dad and giving him a huge bear hug "I found her dad - I no longer feel this emptiness in my heart, where I thought only Bella could fill" I whisper in his ear, knowing full well all the pack could hear us but pretending they couldn't to give us a sense of privacy. "I know son, I knew Bella wasn't the one for you and I'm glad you've finally realised it yourself - even if it was with the help of Scarlet" dad says joyfully and I could almost see an invisible force being lifted from his chest, making me feel regret for not noticing how my actions for the last year or so has been affecting him and promising myself to pay more attention to those close to me, rather than just myself.

"When can I meet her officially as your imprint" dad asked with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye and I couldn't stop the groan from leaving my lips, just knowing he's going to embarrass me as much as he possibly can when he meets Scarlet again 'I wouldn't have it any other way' I think before answering dad "I'm actually going to meet up with her later on this evening - I'll be picking her up from the leeches house" as soon as I finished the room erupted in growls. My wolf growled with them but to my shock and almost horror it was towards my pack and not towards the thought of my imprint being in the clutches of the leeches, like my wolf was trying to defend them. I stopped myself growling and tried to clear my head, before allowing my inner wolf to show through a little to help me understand, the more I thought about it the more I didn't absolutely despise Scarlet being there, I didn't particularly like it but it was almost an inner feeling, deep down in my heart where something's telling me that even though she was in a house full of vampires - a house full of my suppose arch enemies, she's safe, she's protected - almost like she's home.

The most shocking thing I don't understand is that my wolf is usually the first in line to come out and attack a leech as soon as it's within smelling distance. Seeing the reaction from the room, I could see every pack member who had an imprint was in-front of them in a protected almost defensive stance and I knew I should be agreeing with them, if Scarlet was there, I should have been doing the same but my instincts are telling me that they won't be a threat to my imprint. "GUYS STOP, it's okay, I know we can't stand the Cullen's, I most certainly hate them, especially with that mind reader dating Bella but my wolf is adamant that Scarlet is safe there" dead silence followed what I just said, each and every person in the room was looking at me like I was insane. "What do you mean son?" dad asked slowly, clearly shocked and confused "Dad I know it makes little sense, it doesn't make complete sense to me but trust me - my wolf is telling me the Cullen's aren't a threat to Scarlet" I say both to my dad and to the rest of the pack, hoping they'll at least trust me even if they don't completely believe me.

Looking around, I could see the disbelief in all of their facial expressions, but I could see that they were willing to go alone and trust me. "All right Jacob, we'll go along with your wolf's instinct but if they do anything and I do mean anything to break the trust, you have given them - that's it. I'm not trusting my imprint with them though," Sam said, using his alpha voice to show he's being serious. My inner wolf snarled at the use of voice but backed down since Sam was agreeing to trust us. I signed with relief before starting to make my way towards the door with Embry and Seth following behind. Before leaving, I turned back to everyone else in the room "I'll try to bring Scarlet round as soon as I can but I must tell her about what we are first - hopefully she'll take it well and won't be frightened or not want to see me again" I say optimistically but with a hint of insecurity 'what if she'll be frightened of me and won't want to see me again' the thought almost brought me to my knees with how painful that would be - it would be a never-ending nightmare knowing the person meant for me, was petrified of who or really what I was. Shaking my head to dislodge the horrifying thoughts, I waited before everyone nodded in agreement before leaving the house and heading towards the woods behind the house to shift.

Making sure no one's around, Seth, Embry and myself all shifted into our wolves before making our way to the Cullen's residence. The closer we got, the more apprehensive and nervous I could tell both Seth and Embry were becoming about being so close to vampires. 'It's okay, we are just going for Scarlet - we'll be out of here before you know it' I think before slowing to a stop not realising how fast we must have been running to already see the Cullen's house. 'Someone's certainly impatient to see their imprint again' Embry teased me. I shoulder nudged Embry before hiding behind the nearest tree to change back, knowing both Embry and Seth were doing the same and we started to make our way up the driveway, towards the front door. I could feel my wolf fighting his instincts to not come out - knowing there's no danger here. Taking a deep breath to try to steel my nerves once we reached the door, I raised a fist only to hesitate before knocking on the door - the thought of finally being able to see Scarlet again propelling me through my hesitation.

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