Chapter 51

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Edward's POV

Pressing my hand against Scarlet's back, not wanting to let go of her just yet, I started to guide her into the living room before sitting next to her on the sofa. Still not believing that Scarlet was still here but still nervous since she doesn't know everything. "So, I'm guessing Bella knows about you all being vampires, but then again you and her are together" at this Scarlet looked directly into my eyes "may I ask how come you told me, or is it because I'm related to Bella" I can tell Scarlet was trying to hide the hurt in her voice but glimpsing at Jasper I saw him flinch making me realise how hurt Scarlet actually felt thinking I'm only telling her because she shares some DNA with Bella. "Never, I promise you that's not the reason why I told you.. admittedly she does know - and it is probably the most stupidest thing I have ever done, if I could I would take it back but I can't but you need to believe me that no matter what happens and what you hear you need to know that your extremely important to my family and especially to myself" I say almost desperately, hoping Scarlet will believe me.

After a couple of seconds of silence, I look round at my family who followed us into the living room and back to Scarlet to see she was in shock "Scarlet? Please answer me" I asked in her direction to see her shake up head, her emerald eyes locking onto my golden ones "Y-Your not with Bella anyone" Scarlet asked confused, hardly believing it could be true... that she could get the chance to know Edward without having Bella on her back... maybe giving HER a chance. She shook her head not even allowing herself to hope. "H-How... W-When. Sorry I know it's none of my business" Scarlet stuttered embarrassed. I couldn't help the loving smile spreading across my face at her stutter but quickly reassured her "Hey it's okay, it was actually why I was a little late in meeting you remember" I say sheepishly "But how could I be with some one who wasn't meant for me, better yet how could I be with Bella...when she wasn't you" I say sincerely, hearing Scarlets gasp in surprise.

Scarlet's POV

'Did he just... no he couldn't of...I must of misheard him.' I think; trying not to get my hopes up. I was just about to speak when my phone buzzed. Looking over I saw a picture of my best friend Embry flashing onto my screen. Smiling I reached over to answer not noticing how stiff everyone in the room with me had gotten and how silent. I only noticed when I heard a deep almost possessive growl coming from my left. Coming from... Edward. A little confused I reached over trying to get him to relax, I placed my hand gently onto his cold, strong arm and squeezed noticing once I touched him that almost immediately his shoulders relaxed. "Hiya Em, how's it going" I says with a smile "Hi my beautiful Scar, it's going very well just missing my best friend of course." Embry says jokingly. I giggled just knowing the smirk that must be spreading across his face right now. "But seriously Scar, your dad called, he sounded worried but told me not to contact you until today. What happened? Are you okay? Please tell me it wasn't Bella again!" I could tell Embry was starting to sound across between panicked and annoyed "I'm sorry Em, I'm okay and home stuff I guess, I'll talk to you more about it in person I swear. I was going to contact you, I promise I was but something came up, I guess I got a little distracted after that..." I say guiltily, looking at Edward at the last part but couldn't help but not regret agreeing to come back to his family home 'I've only just gotten to know him but he sure has changed my life' I think but knowing I wouldn't change anything that has happened so far, even with Bella trying to manipulate my life and to try and get others around me to hate me as much as she does but if it wasn't for Bella, I wouldn't be round the Cullen's house right now and getting to know the real them. 'Huh, who knew that Bella could bring such joy and adventure into my life without knowing' I think unbelievably "Where are you? I want to come and get you, to make sure your safe, I'm not the only one worried about you by the way, Jake has been beside himself once he heard about Charlie calling. Had to take his phone away to stop him from messaging you. He's been giving me the dejected puppy dog eyes and pout ever since" Embry exclaimed quickly but with a laugh at the end. I couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up from my chest, imagining what Jacob must look like pouting. "Aww bless him, let him know I'm okay and that I'll come down to meet you tomorrow, I'm round Edward Cullen's house at the moment and I promised I would stay and get to know them all better, especially since they were gracious enough to allow me to stay in there house" I say, looking forward to getting the chance to ask what it's like to be a vampire or better yet how they even became one. I knew I had to ask carefully though, just looking into their molten golden eyes I could see a dark almost painful glimmer, even sweet Esme. I could tell that not everything about their lives - however long that may be for all of them, hasn't always been the happy family they come across now. So lost in thought, I was a little confused when their was no reply down the phone "Em" I say confused, barely being able to hear a conversation being had away from the speaker until a piercing howl reached my ear. Panicking I clutched the phone tighter into my hand "Em...Embry, what's going on? What was that howl" I almost screeched not knowing what could be happening I squeezed Edward's hand so tight I felt my fingers click "I-I gotta go Scar, there's nothing to worry about I can promise you, that was just... erm... my new dog. Bye" Embry said hurriedly before hanging up missing the disbelieving noise that escaped my mouth. I look at Edward shocked, not knowing what could be happening but just knowing my best friend could be hurt. 'Oh my god, what if he's hurt' I think a new wave of panic flooding me until almost immediately I felt a rush of calm, I turn my head to look directly at Jasper, some how just knowing that he was the reason for my emotions to suddenly change and knowing it's happened before.

"How did you do that" I asked Jasper "But, how is that possible? How did you know it was me?" Jasper asked shocked "You've done it before, in the cafeteria at school you sent a wave of calm over me, I thought I was going crazy so I tried to ignore it but just now I felt you projecting it to me" I ask in wonder "How can you do that?" I ask Jasper momentarily forgetting the panic I felt for Embry. I see Jasper's eyes flicker to Edward before flicking back to mine but not before I saw Edward's nod, confused I look at Jasper waiting for him to answer "Please don't freak out, myself, Alice and Edward have a special gift that only a few vampires get. I've always been charismatic and was able to change other people's moods when I was human because of this I can now sense what anyone in close proximity to me is feeling as well as change there emotions. A down side though is that I'm very sensitive to other people's emotions especially with how powerful some people's emotions can be and I'll admit I've been overwhelmed by it before and have needed to get a way. Alice when she was human as far as we are aware was able to see premonitions which we think when she got turned into a vampire enhanced her ability and has led her to see more of the future as a seer. However Alice's powers are subjective, she is only able to see the outcome of a design only once someone has made it. And Edward has always been good at reading people when he was human and when he was changed it manifested into being able to read minds of anyone in close proximity" Jasper exclaimed clearly seemingly keeping my emotions from going wild. I was astounded, not being able to completely let myself believe what Jasper was telling me but I knew every word he said was the truth "Woah" I say amazed but something that Jasper said made me pause, I turn round quickly to meet Edward's worried eyes "Wait you can read mind, he can read mind" I ask panicked to the rest of the Cullen's in the living room thinking of all the times Edward has come up in my thoughts, I could feel my breathing escalate. I was horrified.

Edward's POV

"It's okay, hey it's okay - breathe for me, your safe here. For some reason I can't read your mind. I thought it might of been genetics at first since the same thing happened with Bella but I could always read Charlie's mind but ever since you arrived, Bella's mind has started to slowly open up to me, like your the reason I can read her now. Thoughts I once wished I knew, now disgust me once I realised what she thought of and especially about you. You though, I can't get anything. At times even Jasper struggles to understand your emotions unless it's powerful and Alice" I couldn't stop the chuckle escaping "she never even saw you coming. Your a mystery to us all Scarlet, a missing puzzle piece... a piece I can't wait to figure out." I smile gently at Scarlet meaning every word.

Scarlet breathed a sigh of relief, thanking whoever was up there that Edward couldn't read her mind. But then a thought hit her; "Wait, how come I affect each of your gifts in this way?" Scarlet asks confused. "We don't know, we're not sure whether it's just our gifts that you can some how block or if it's every single vampire that has a gift. You seem to be able to block yourself without knowing when it comes to Jasper's gift but we are not sure why you can block yourself from both my own gift but Alice's power as well. Heaven knows it's frustrated us both," I say with a small wink towards Alice who had a sullen pout in place. I saw Scarlet smile at Alice's reaction but I could still tell how confused she was. "I know it sounds unbelievable and we ourselves don't have the answers to your questions but hopefully in time we will find out... well that's if your still willing to give us a chance and stick with us....with me but you need to know, our life - my life is dangerous. Being around us is dangerous, I'm not trying to send you away but you need to know what you may be getting into, I can't have you not knowing the risks. My family and I, we only feed from animals. We don't drink human blood; that's why our eyes are gold not blood red but there's always going to be temptation, your blood to my family it's the only blood we have ever found where it's calming, but to me your blood is addictive in the most mind blowing way and the worst thing that could happen to me is for you Scarlet, to be frightened of me. Please don't be afraid of me." I plead to her, knowing how much my life is and will be a danger to my mate but even just the thought of Scarlet not being by my side through it all was and is unthinkable. "Hey, I'm not afraid of you. It's good to know your don't drink from humans, but even if you did, I don't think that could scare me away either. I swear I guess I just need time to let everything sink in, yesterday I didn't even know this world existed and today" Scarlet smiled with an almost loving smile in my direction "You've opened my eyes to a whole new life for me" Scarlet says with a laugh, I couldn't help but join in with a boisterous chuckle of my own, before sliding Scarlet gently to my waist to give her a side hug, resting my head against her own 'this is what home feels like' I think warmly to myself, maybe I do deserve to be happy... to have her.

Scarlet's phone buzzed interrupting the peaceful silence that filled the living room. Reaching forward I grabbed Scarlet's phone and handled it to her but not before seeing who the message was from and with it the deep growl escaping from my mouth.

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