Chapter 56

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Scarlet's POV

Almost coming to the last note, I could feel my back straighten; the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood up. I could feel this type of electricity in the room...almost like my self conscious telling me I wasn't alone...something, or more importantly someone was here. 'Someone was behind me.' I thought before quickly turning around, almost feeling the electricity in the room strengthen around me, but I was shocked to see Jasper standing there with a sheepish, almost guilty look- for having been watching me. But, looking closer I was able to catch a glimmer of emotion that flickered in his golden eyes that contrasted with the emotions he was willing or deliberately showing me, like he's picking and choosing what emotions he wants me to see. In his eyes- even for just a blink and you'll miss it moment- I saw a flicker of longing and almost peace - like he's found what he's finally been looking for who knows how many years but hasn't found the chance to tell them.

Confused with what I was seeing, and being able to almost work out the mystery guy in front of me that is my crushes brother. I'm intrigued to find out what theses emotions could be trying to tell me or more importantly what Jasper has not been telling me, which in itself is mind-boggling since we've only just met a few days again... right. Before I could think about it, I asked the question that has been bubbling up in my mind since catching the emotions in his eyes "What are you hiding from me?" I could see the shock spread across his face, almost like he couldn't believe that I knew he was hiding something from me, which shouldn't make sense since I'm no one special, at least I certainly thought so not even a day ago but having each and everyone of the Cullen's trust me with their secret, it has made me reevaluate myself, made me think back to everything in my life that I could remember and try and pin point a reason for me to be so deserving of this incredible gift of trust that they have wholeheartedly given to me without hesitation, they could of easily gone about there normal, well as normal as a coven of vampires could be in forks and not given me the time of day, better yet they could of just not told me until they knew and gotten to know me better but they didn't, something in me tells me that I haven't been told everything but I know that in the own time or at least when the time is right for them, I'll be told, but even if I wasn't, I trusted the Cullen's completely, just thinking about it has made a huge weight lift off from my chest and has made me realise that them being vampires, means nothing to me. What I want to know is the people they are and have all become, especially from all the time they have exited on this earth... in this world, and see how much stronger they have become from overcoming the challenges I'm sure they suffer through daily.

Jasper POV

I was shocked beyond belief when Scarlet was able to read me so well. The only other people who have been able to read me like Scarlet has are Edward and my beautiful mate Alice but even then that's mostly to do with their gifts. To have a human, even as special as Scarlet is, for her to be able to figure out that I was hiding something from her was mind blowing. 'I've never met a human so in-tune to others around her and that includes myself when I was a human.' I think but then I remember that she was exactly like she is now when I first met her when she was a toddler, it's just she is more accurate and almost able to pinpoint certain emotions now that she has grown up. 'I knew the little girl I met, that helped me in so many ways would grow up to be something special, I just never thought I would get to see it happen' I think proud of Scarlet, the little girl I knew would make a difference in her life and to others around her. I didn't realise how true my thoughts were in this moment it I knew I would find out.

Blinking to get rid of my thoughts. I look back to Scarlet to see a far away look on her face...but the more she thought the more I could feel the electricity around her almost spark to life "But that's impossible" I whisper shocked, never have seen a human show such pure power, especially without even knowing it. I could almost see the ripples in the air bending to her will, like it's wrapping around her... protecting her even. I could see and feel that Scarlet was unaware of what she is doing, probably not even realising she is able to do it. Until the powerful waves suddenly stopped, there was no simmering down, it was instantaneous like she was able to turn it off just like that, but from Scarlet's emotions I could tell that she had no idea what was happening but has just realised something else, something that has allowed her to give her full trust too. I just knew that the trust she was willing to fully give was towards myself and my family. I may struggle with identifying some of Scarlets emotions but I could always feel how Scarlet thought she was unworthy to know our secret, especially when my family has only just met her, but what Scarlet doesn't realise is that she has changed my brother almost completely without having to  even lift a finger... She was just herself. It's almost comical how one human girl was able to change a over one hundred year old vampire to just be himself, to just let go of all his negative emotions that I could always feel coming from him every hour of every minute of every single day about how Edward thought he was a monster and that he and the rest of us were damned to this existence, more importantly how Edward thought he was damned to be alone.

Scarlet looked up at me with a calculating look but with a small smile on her lips. "I'm not going to make you to tell me anything if you don't want me to know and I just know that you won't willing give me the information if your so against me knowing, but I can see the conflicting emotions whenever I see you. Admittedly, I've only just realised what the conflicting emotions you were giving off mean now but I would never force you to tell me anything you don't want me to know. I only want to help you. It's almost like your stuck between telling me or waiting, thinking I'm not ready or something..." Scarlet rambled but with so much conviction it blew me away. I couldn't tell you how proud I am to see the little girl who helped me so much in my past has grown into the strong willed young woman who is still willing to give her help to who ever needs it. But I could tell that she has been hurt before when she has tried to help others, mainly by her own family... by Bella, no Isabella, she no longer deserves my respect anymore to have me calling her by her nickname. I can feel my face slowing turning into a scowl but was able to keep my face neutral and was able to force down the growl that was bubbling up my throat from my chest not wanting Scarlet to get the wrong idea and think that I am angry at her for what she has said.

Angry or anger, such simple words with the same meaning but it's nothing on how I feel towards Isabella in this particular moment. I admit I never particularly liked Isabella but I was able to hold down my negative emotions towards her for my brother who deserved happiness more than any of us put together but now even the thought of Isabella, all I am able to feel is hatred, disgust and sick glee that Scarlet is going to get the life that Isabella wanted... all that Isabella wanted including the guy, well maybe even guys if what Edward is telling us about Jacob Black is true.

"No, you deserve to know Scarlet and your right I have been worried about when or if the time is right to tell you but in the end it's down to you and whether you think your ready to hear it. I can tell you've only just been able accept us being vampire and us giving you our trust with telling you but I don't want to push it. Instead of myself having the choice of when to tell you, how about you yourself get given the choice this way it's in your hands and you don't have to feel pressured to listen if your not up to it at the moment. I promise it's nothing bad, it changed my life even but it's just a lot to take in that's why I've been struggling on figuring out the right time to tell you. The question is Scarlet when would you like to know" I ask patiently wanting Scarlet to realise that it's all down to her to answer and that there's no pressure if she's not ready to know what I'm hiding from her.

Just when Scarlet opened her mouth to answer I could hear my family arriving, finished with their hunt and Edward was behind Scarlet in an instant with an almost sour but resigned look which changed when his eyes met Scarlets form. I was confused when I felt Edward's emotions when he first came in until I heard an engine coming up our drive way, the engine cut and we all heard three doors opened and then the stench came. Only one species can make our nose burn and our stomachs turn with a simple sniff... Wolves. A gasp shook me from my thought and Scarlet's surprise hit me faintly. I focused on Scarlet finally noticing Edward was behind her when Edward wrapped his long arms around her middle and pulling Scarlet softly towards his chest. Looking up at Edward I could feel the possessiveness rolling off him in waves but knew that Edward would do anything to keep Scarlet safe and happy even if it meant being friendly to the wolves. 'This is going to be a long visit' I think before there was a knock at the front door, the sound echoing across the almost silent house, all of the family having paused before the knock once the wolves stench hit them, allowing Scarlet for the first time to realise we have visitors... What could go wrong.

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