Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
Scarlet's POV

When the bell rang, I couldn't help but think 'finally'...even though it was only lunch. I slowly walked to the canteen with my head down when I heard a throat clearing from in front of me. I quickly looked up to see none other than... Rosalie. I couldn't put into words how shocked I was after hearing everyone calling her the 'Ice Queen' for her harsh personality and evil glares. I took a small step back until I saw a small but gentle smile start to settle onto her beautiful face and couldn't help but let one slip onto mine as well, be it a confused one. Wondering how she could change my mood just by a little smile.

Rosalie's POV

I don't know what came over me when I walked up to Scarlet to get her attention. But something inside me was screaming to protect her especially after seeing her expression. Scarlet looked heartbroken and I couldn't stand not seeing a smile on her face. Just like how I can't stand to not see my family happy. 'Wait' that's pulled me up short. Since when do I think of HUMANS as a family. For crying out loud, I can't even stand Bella-her half sister. But there is something about Scarlet it's just pulling me to her. Just like I know, the rest of my family is feeling when it comes to Scarlet as well. Shaking my thoughts out of my head. I look back at Scarlet and ask as carefully as I could. "Are you okay?" She blinked once, twice then seemed to snap out of her own shock "I-erm I've had better days to be honest but nothing that you need to worry about" she smiles gently. "Thank you for asking though" she quickly adds "If you're sure...I'm Rosalie by the way but you can call me rose" I replied warmly. "Nice to meet you, Rose I'm sure you know my name, but I'm Scarlet, " she replied back kindly. We started heading again towards the canteen silently but together when I couldn't help but ask "would you like to sit next to me?" even I couldn't help but feel shocked, let alone Scarlet who looks like she was a deer caught in the headlights.

Scarlet's POV

"Ohh I-I erm, that's really kind of you to ask but I honestly don't think Bella would like me to join you," I replied back a bit regretful. Looking down, I start to speed up a bit however Rosalie just picked up her speed to join me again. "Then let's just sit together by ourselves. If I'm being honest, I could do with a break from Bella," Rosalie said a bit bitterly. "I'm guessing your not a great fan of Bella," I ask quietly. It startled me when I heard bell light laughter next to me and look up to see Rosalie giggling. "Oh god no, to put it lightly to annoys the hell out of me. I know she's your half sister and all but I see the looks she gives you. It could almost beat me one of my good days," I couldn't help but give off my own giggle at that.

Rosalie's POV

I couldn't help smiling when I heard Scarlets laugh. It really was an angelic sound- and that's coming from me! "Will you though?" I ask. Scarlet gave me a confused look "Sit next to me that is- I would like to get to know you better. To be completely honest, it's been a long time since I've had a friend besides my family.' I couldn't help the feeling I was starting to ramble. Me, 'what's this girl doing to me' I think to myself 'I'm never nervous when it comes to meeting people... well that could be because I make sure they are afraid of me. But I really want her to be my friend' I think back to myself. "As long as you're sure?... it would be nice to get to know you too" Scarlet replied with a smile and I couldn't help but return the smile with one of my own.

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