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"Mathias?" Noah asked and I turned around. "Can we go for a walk? I have to tell you something and it's important ." I turned to a serious position and nodded.

We were walking through the forest. I could tell he was nervous, he was fidgeting, biting his lip, not walking in a straight line.
"Okay this is clearly making you anxious. Just tell me, to get it over and done with." He sat down at a tree stump and made me sit next to him.
"Have you ever heard of a dominant leader?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's like the leader of a big group."
"Well I am the son of a dominant leaders." I looked at him confused, why is he telling me this?
"I am a wolf, the next dominant leader. An Alpha." He says making it clearer.
"You look human to me." I smiled jokingly.
"Turn around." He commanded.
"Just turn around." He said and I replied with an "Okay" and turned around. I heard a quite a lot of bones cracking and felt a wet tongue on my hand, I jumped and spun around. It was the black wolf that I saw watching me last night.
"Hello." I sat as I stroke his head, he would normally jump and lick me but he stood suspiciously still, just staring. Staring right at me. It just hit me:

The wolf is Noah.

I sat down and he sat around me so I was in the middle and his head was on my legs.
"So are you Noah?" I asked and he whined. I just realised that, I've been talking to Noah about him and I didn't even know.
"I am so embarrassed, I've been talking about you and you are right here!" I sat laughing at myself, I felt his tail wag. I moved my head into his fur and he hummed with the contact.

I know people would've freaked out about this but I don't judge people. If he is a wolf or a werewolf, that's who he is. Anyways I have some type of connection with him and it's pulling me emotionally and physically closer to him. It would be hard and emotional for us to be separated.

We both walked back into his home, he was in his wolf form still, I was procrastinating from asking questions because I was nervous. What if this was too much to handle?

"Is it okay if you can sleep in my bed? I can sleep in the sofa because I am not letting you sleep on it." Noah asked, smiling.
"Yes but you are going to sleep with me because I am also not letting you sleep on the couch." I chuckled. He looked down to cover his blush I then heard a lady voice calling us all for dinner.

It was like a canteen but me, Noah, his brother and sister, his mom and dad, Lizzy and Chris and Noah's dads two friends are in a separate table while everyone else is scattered around the hall, talking, laughing and eating. It made me comfortable and happy, like this is where I belong. I don't feel out of place here.

"Do you have any questions, Mathias?" Noah asked. We are on the bed and he turned to face me, I was already looking at him and I blushed.
"Can you tell me everything? How it works? Because I am so confused. Are everyone wolves here?"
"I am going to start with mates." He spoke and I nodded, to let him carry on.
"So don't get freaked out, I can't help it and if you do it'll hurt me." He said, cautiously. I am getting quite worried now...

"So a mate is your other half. For me, it's you and for you, it's me. It could be anyone and you can't choose, only the moon goddess chooses. I have to protect you and look after you but also, the moon goddess has made mates for a reason... to love and to adore at all cost, you feel like your heart has warmed up and as cringe as it sounds, it feels like you never had an other half and you have found it. You feel complete."
"That's so cringey" I say giggling. He chuckled and replied with an "I know."
"But people can reject us. It's your choice, I understand if you don't want me but it can mentally or emotionally kill us. I'm sorry if this is too much." He says. I shook my head and smiled.

"No, no. It's fine. I am just a little shocked."
"Is it okay, if I can tell you what type of werewolves there are?" He asked, I nodded and smiled.
"So there is a 'Top Alpha', which is my dad. He has to look after the pack and do what he thinks is best and everyone has to so what he says. Then there is an 'Alpha Next-In-Line', which is me because I am the oldest sibling in my family. People still treat me with respect, almost the same as my dad. Then there is a 'Luna' or a 'Second Top Alpha'. At the moment my mother is the Luna, it's the Top Alpha's mate. When I become an Alpha, if you won't reject me, you will be the Second Top Alpha." I just nodded. I will accept him, I just need to think about it more.

"Then there is a Beta, which is your help of hand and if you are elsewhere, the beta will take over until you come back but they have to protect us both. The Delta wolf, is exactly the same but if the Beta as well as the Alpha and the Luna is gone. My Beta is Lizzy and my Delta is Christopher."
"So they are werewolves too?!" I asked, shocked. He just chuckled and nodded.
"Yes, everyone is a wolf in this street. It's the whole pack."

"A lead hunter/ huntress are the best hunter in the pack and would control the other hunters or huntresses, that would get the supplies for the pack. The lead warriors is the lead fighter. They commands the fights if the Alpha, the Betas, Deltas or the Luna are not around. They are usually the best fighters. The normal warriors of the pack are strong and very skilled in any types of fighting, they have learnt how to get everyone weaknesses and how to kill them in their own way." I looked at him, impressed. He had a very strong pack.

"We then have the scouts these are the wolves that would stay in he borders in our packs land and would be the people to tell us when we are in any danger, they would also have to learn how to fight."
"Spies are more dangerous than scouts, they would sneak into other packs and come back to tell us their plans, could be the next pack war or what they are eating for dinner." I giggled at how random that was and he smiled brightly at me.

"The Salutary is also like a nurse but instead of chemicals and everything like that, they would use herbs to heal people. We have taught them to heal almost every sickness or wound. An elder is a werewolf with great experience and knowledge is out packs, like Ralph. They are in a higher rank than the Top Alpha's. Elders are role models to the wolves and the pups."
"There's puppies?!" I squealed.
"We call them pups because it's offensive to say puppies." He said in a serious tone. I peeked up.
"Oh okay, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, you didn't know." He smiled, that brought up my confidence and I smiled back.

"Now we have omegas, they are normally disrespected, they would get abused in every way in other packs but we respect everyone like ones. Every member of the pack has learnt to fight including the pups, we are the strongest pack in the whole in the UK but not as strong as the Red Cresent in Spain. Ooh! I forgot there's also a Normal Alpha, or just an Alpha. They are like everyone in the pack, they are like an ordinary werewolf. Some are dominant and demanding by we punish then if they are hurting or enslaving anyone!"
"What's their punishment?" I asked, curious.
"They would go in the dungeons for 1 week and a half, if they are an adult but if they were a pup or a teen, it would be half a week." I felt a bit bad because of the children but I guess it's teaching them.

"Then there are rouges, they are extremely dangerous wolves who has been abandoned, banned or kicked out is their pack or they chosen to leave their pack. They would normally live alone, unless they have their own pack full of rouges. They don't live for that long but in the meantime they would do anything to survive, that's unfortunately means to kill others and would steal their mate, to get what they want. They would also do unforgivable things to them.

"Some rouges are nice and just want to alone and to get out of anyone's business. It's really sad actually, but it's their choice I guess. They are normally called Lone Wolves." He said and I smiled.
"There are a lot of different wolves." I say, sitting up. He chuckled and copied my actions.

"You can't tell anyone, okay? Not a soul. It's a secret." He says and I nodded.

A couple hours of talking and laughing later, we decided to go to bed.

"It's a Secret"  ~BoyxBoy~Where stories live. Discover now