Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

When Marcus had finished work he went back to his apartment and felt like a stranger. It felt like had been ages since I had stayed here and smiled when he saw his brother coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh my god. I think I am seeing a ghost. Quick call ghostbuster." Marcus laughed as he unbuttoned his uniform and took off his shirt.

"You saw me at work 30minutes ago you idiot." He threw his clothes into his brother's face and laughed.

"I know, but you are hardly home anymore. I do miss you despite you being an annoying ass." Marcus smiled at his brother and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He did miss his brother. They had never really lived apart before so this was a change for the pair of them.

"Well I am staying tonight, and the rest of the week so don't worry. You will get sick of my face soon enough." He walked past his brother and gave him a friendly shove as he walked into the bathroom. He quickly showered knowing everyone would be waiting on them as they lived furthest from the bar. He tried ringing Jade but his call went to voicemail so he assumed she had been sleeping. So, he sent her a text telling her to ring him when she woke up.

He got dressed in khaki pants and a black shirt and walked into the lounge room with his shoes in his hands. He saw his brother sitting on the couch playing some game on his phone dressed in jeans and a button-down shirt.

"Trying to impress someone tonight." Marco looked up at his brother and smiled and shrugged his shoulder.

"Never know who you will run into." Marcus chuckled and sat down next to him and put in his shoes.

"So how is Jade? Haven't seen her in a while. How is she doing?" His brother asked once, and they were both ready.

"She is doing really good. We both are. I feel like we are starting to have a normal relationship." They both walked out the door and locked it behind them. They made it to the bar they were meeting the guys at and saw they were the last to arrive.

"Nice of you Blackwoods to show up on time for once." Dylan gave them both a handshake and a clap on the back as there greetings.

"You know Marco takes him forever to get ready," Marcus said as he made his way to the booth that they were all sitting at.

"Perfection takes time." All the men laughed as a beer was slid into Marcus's hand. They drank and talked about work, women and families. Marcus kept his phone on the table waiting for Jade to call him back, but she never did. He texted her again but didn't get a response.

"Dude, what's so important on your phone?" Dylan asked as Marcus checked his phone again and still saw no message from Jade.

"Just waiting for Jade to get back to me. She said she might come tonight." He shrugged his shoulders as he heard the table making whipping noises.

"He is so pussy whipped," Roger said while making a whipping noise. Marcus rolled his eyes as his friends laughed at him.

"Wait until you find yourself a woman, then we will see who is pussy whipped." All the men laughed as Marcus took a swing of his beer.

"In all seriousness, how is Jade doing," Dylan asked and Marcus sighed.

"She is doing a lot better, still adjusting to the change, but she is getting there. There have been a few complications, but she seems to be working them out." He took a sip of his beer as an uneasy feeling sat in the pit of his stomach.

"She is a brave woman. If I was her I would rather be dead, then not have my legs working. I would have honestly necked myself." Marcus felt uneasy by what James had said so he took a sip of his beer and tried not to let it get to him because there was a time when Jade wanted to kill herself.

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