Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

The next morning Jade was emotionally and physically drained. She had achieved in getting little sleep the night before and for the first time since she arrived it wasn't her arrogant neighbour's fault, but that dark place in her mind she trapped her darkest secrets and fantasy's. When she entered the bathroom at the early hours of the morning Jade knew she looked like shit, so she avoided looking in the mirror and opted for a warm shower, hoping to work out her frustration and thinking, at the gym despite the protest of her leg.

Once Jade had finished up in the bathroom she ventured out of her apartment listening to the sounds around her wondering if anyone would be up at this ungodly hour of the morning. When she deemed that no one was up she made her way down the stairs avoiding the elevator after the incident yesterday. 

When Jade stepped into the cool morning breeze, it woke her up from any sleep that was lingering around. Taking a deep breath Jade made the short walk from her apartment to the gym with her crutches wanting some time to herself. With each step, Jade took she wandered into the dark depths of her inner mind that she tried all night to fight. She tried to fight off the dark sensual thoughts circling around her head. The deep, dark desire to give into him, to give her body to a man she knew would know exactly what to do with it.

It had been so long since anyone paid attention to her body the way it deserved. To know the hidden secrets that lay beneath and what made her body and mind tick. Her body came alive again last night after being dormant for so long. Her body reacted in a way her mind didn't want to do, but there was no denying that she wanted Marcus. Despite him being an arrogant ass there was a part of her that felt a deep desire, a need to be with him. To let him consume her in a way no man has consumed her before.

Jade knew she would never act upon these dark hidden desires, for it was a fantasy, a dark one, but she knew she would hide it into the back of her mind, into that dark box everyone had. The longer Jade walked the more these desires stirred around her mind and she knew if she wasn't careful these desires would consume her every thought. So, pushing aside her bodies' sexual needs, she locked these thoughts away, the closer she got to the gym.

When Jade arrived at the gym, her leg was aching so when she arrived the first thing she did was sit down and rest it before starting her upper body workout. She knew the quicker she healed the quicker she could get back to work.

By the time Jade finished the sun had risen in the sky and the morning gym junkies were coming in for their daily fix. Even though Jade was satisfied with her workout and how she was progressing she wasn't satisfied with the fact that she had nothing to do. Being stuck at home doing nothing was boring and it allowed Jade time to think, which she didn't want to do. Jade didn't lock all her emotions away, but there were some she kept buried for a reason, and they were surfacing and it scared her. 

When Jade exited the gym, she hailed down a taxi. She knew there was no way she could walk home with her aching leg and the slight burn in her chest. It didn't take long to hail down a cab, and she was relieved when she could finally sit down even though it was only a 5-minute trip home.

When Jade got home, she stopped and looked up at the building wondering when did her life become so plain and boring. Each day was the same get up, go to the gym, and either go therapy or physiotherapy. 

She remembered a time when she had a future a plan, but now it took one day at a time and was like watching her days tick by as she completed nothing with her life. Most women her age were married and on their first child and all Jade had to show for her 28 years of life was a broken family, a lost fiancé, and herself jobless with nothing to do in her spare time. Sighing Jade ventured into the building and made her way to her apartment with the thought of getting something useful done in the day. 

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