Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It had been a few days since Jade's mother came by and Jade hadn't left her house scared of what was outside. She knew she was being irrational, but that didn't stop the fear and anxiety whenever she tried to leave the house.

She was running low on food and sleep because of her all loving neighbour staying up the wee hours of the morning either having a party or just playing loud music she was hardly sleeping. She would sit in the corner of her lounge room every night waiting and watching for something to come out of the shadows and attack her.

It wasn't until after the 5th day that a knocking came at her door causing her to jump a mile high and grab the closest thing she could find which happened to be a pan.

She crept towards the door in silence keeping light on her toes as she listened to see what threat was on the other side.

"Jade, open up. We know you are in there." Came the sound of Marco's voice and a grunt from who she assumed was the arrogant brother.

"Come on Jade, you haven't left the apartment in 5 days let us in," Marcus said through the door and Jade gripped her hold on the pan.

"Jade if you don't open this door, I am kicking it in," Marcus yelled out.

"Marcus no," Marco replied with and Marcus started to countdown. Jade really knew she wasn't in the right mindset when Marcus knocked down her door and the first thing she did was throw the pan and duck under the table thinking it was a bomb with the loud crashing sound it made.

Jade trembled as tears coursed down her face as adrenaline pumped its way through her body as it started to get her ready to fight.

"Jade," Marco called out and Jade scrambled away from his voice.

"Marcus look what you did." Jade watched as Marcus shrugged and made himself at home on her couch as Marco crouched down at a safe distance.

"Jade honey we will not hurt you," Marco whispered softly as Marcus snorted thinking what a mother hen his brother was being.

"I k-k-know." She didn't understand why her body was trembling when her mind was running a thousand miles a minute.

"Jade try to calm down ok." Marco took a step closer but not seconds after he did Jade was drowned in ice cold water waking her up from whatever daze she was in.

"What the fuck!" She stood up and water poured down from her hair and onto her floor.

"You smelt bad." She looked towards Marcus with venom in her eyes and lunged for him when she saw the bucket in his hand.

Jade tackled Marcus to the floor using the advantage of surprise and slamming her fist into his face. Marcus was so surprised by the attack he didn't have time to defend himself.

"You asshole." Jade went to punch him again, but the element of surprise was gone and Marcus flipped them over pinning Jade to the floor. Marco sighed and let them be knowing neither would really hurt each other despite his brothers bleeding nose which he deserved.

"Got you now, kitten." Marcus smiled smugly at Jade thinking he won before Jade bucked her hips before wrapping her one good leg around his waist and turning them around so she was on top again.

"Fuck you." Marcus struggled below her and he was impressed that she kept him pinned under her.

"Get off me, before you hurt yourself, you stupid woman," Marcus yelled and Jade did, but not before slamming her fist into his rock-hard stomach.

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