Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Marcus was breathless. There had only been a few times in his life when he was rendered speechless. The first time had been when he learnt his father had passed away. He was frozen in that moment unable to move or breathe, until the anguish cries of his mother filled the place. The second time he was completely speechless was when he was a young man and he killed his first person. It was like he was in this bubble that he was worried was going to pop and cause an explosion of emotions, he would not be able to contain. The third time was when he found out Jade had been left behind. When her whole team returned he watched and saw that she wasn't amongst them. The fourth time he was rendered speechless was right now in this moment looking at Jade.

When she opened the door, he felt all the air leave his body and he tried to get his brain to work to say something, anything. Instead, he stood there like a fish out of the water as he tried to form some sort of coherent sentence. Jade was always beautiful from the moment he first met her. There was no denying it and any man who said otherwise was either blind or stupid.

She gave off a natural and effortless beauty that many women strived to achieve. However, when she opened the door it was like that beauty had been amplified. Her brown hair pinned back straight and her eyes. He could get lost for hours in her eyes. Eyes that held so much pain and suffering. Eyes that had seen and witnessed too much. They were highlighted by her dark thick lashes making them seem lighter and almost golden.

"Wow!" Was all his brain could think of as he stared at Jade. She was stunning, and he was lost for words.

"You look amazing." He said after clearing his throat hoping he didn't sound like an idiot.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." She smiled, and Marcus knew he would live every day to see her smile like that. He knew their relationship had so much more work to do, but moments like this made it all worth it. It was like it was only the two of them and he forgot all about Sophie who was standing behind Jade.

"Well, Jade I shall see you tomorrow. You two enjoy yourself tonight." Marcus watched the woman picked up her bag with a smile and left the two of them alone.

Jade smiled up at Marcus again feeling a strange sense of happiness and peace, something she hadn't felt in a while. She almost felt like she could do this. That she could live in this new life that had been given to her. She looked Marcus over and saw him dressed in a light blue button-down shirt which was neatly tucked into a pair of dark pants. He looked sinful and dangerously sexy with his dark hair pushed back and just a small amount of chest hair peeking out of his shirt to give a taste of what lay beneath.

"So where are we going for dinner?" She asked as she pushed herself out of her apartment as Marcus locked the door behind her.

"It's a surprise." Jade smiled at him as they waited for the lift.

"I won't miss the lift at all." She murmured to herself as they both got on. Marcus hummed to himself as they both went down to the bottom floor.

"I thought we could walk. It's a nice night and the place isn't too far. If your arms are sore, I can push, if you would like." Jade smiled and thought for a second how much Marcus had changed. When she first met him, she couldn't stand him. He was so hot and cold with her and now he was different. A little more open, caring and vulnerable, but still deviously handsome.

"I like the sound of that." Jade pushed herself onto the sidewalk and the cool summer breeze swept through the streets of Sydney. It was a warm night, there was a cool breeze making the air not so hot and humid, which was a nice change from the summer heatwave they seemed to be experiencing.

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