Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 

She felt empty as she stared up at the white ceiling. She felt like her body and mind wasn't her own. Whatever they were giving her was working. It was making her numb and motionless. The medication made her sleepy all the time and more than often she spent all day sleeping.

She guessed this was a good thing to be so numb, but the numbness came with a silence. A silence that scared Jade because she knew one day this silence would be gone. She heard someone come into the room and sit at the end of the bed.

It had been a week since the medication started and already Jade was drowning in the numbness the medication provided.

"Do you want to go outside today Jade?" Marco asked in a soft voice and it didn't surprise him when he didn't get an answer. Jade tried to even out her breathing to pretend she was asleep, but when Marco didn't move, she sighed softly to herself.

"I'm tired." Was all she said, because even those two words seemed to drain what little energy she had.

"I know Jade, but getting out in the sun will do you some good, even for a little while." Jade just closed her eyes too tired to reply and waited for Marco to leave. Marco watched Jade for a little longer before leaving his brother's room where she had been staying the last week.

Sighing, he found his brother reading over papers he had printed off about the medication they had been feeding Jade twice a day and ways to motivate someone who didn't want to do anything.

"Any luck," Marcus asked not looking up from the paper he was reading. He had been the last week researching ways to help Jade, but everything he tired didn't work. He didn't like the woman she had turned into.

This wasn't the sassy Jade he had met all those months ago. Instead, she was a shell of the person she used to be, and it scared him. It scared him that she would have to live the rest of her life dependent on medication that made her a shell of a person. At least before Jade was angry. Now she was tired and barely spoke or showed any emotion. If it wasn't for himself and his brother forcing her to eat, she would shrivel away into nothing.

"Nope, she just wants to sleep." Marcus looked up and saw his brother grab a bottle of water from the fridge and sit down next to him.

"Helen said we have to give the medication a month to fully kick in, but I'm worried about what she will be like in a month." Marco agreed with his brother and they both knew they had to get her out of the house soon. Helen said if Jade didn't get out the house soon they would have to admit her until her medication settled in. Marcus didn't want to admit Jade until there were no other options left. 

"Did her brother say when he would come to visit?" The past week Jade's father had been around a few times after work, but never stayed long. Her brother, on the other hand, had yet to stop by despite saying he would. Marcus could call Paul many things, but a coward was the first thing he thought of whenever he had to think about that selfish bastard.

"He said he would be round this afternoon, but I highly doubt that." Marcus nodded his head and stood up as his bones groaned in protest from sitting hunched over for too long.

"Well, I am going totry to get Jade outside for a little. I would love to get her to that support meeting, but baby steps." Marcus left his brother to his own thoughts and the tv as he walked into his room he had been sharing with Jade.

The first night Jade all, but kicked him out the bed, but now she didn't even breath in his direction when he climbed in every night.

"Alright, Jade this is what is going to happen," Marcus said as he walked in with confidence and swagger. Jade opened her eyes and slowly sat herself up to see Marcus standing at the end of the bed.

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