Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

The next two months passed in a blur for Jade. After her birthday party, she hadn't spoken to her brother and she was fine with that. Emily came over once a week for a tea party, that Jade now had a box full of dress ups and tea sets for her when she came around. Nicole normally bought Eric round and most times stayed for dinner while they talked and gossiped.

They avoided talking about her brother and Jade was fine with that. She didn't want to cause Nicole any drama, but her sister-in-law said it was all fine. Sometimes her father would join when he wasn't busy with his life. She enjoyed having her family around and it made her realise how much she missed the connection of family.

Jade's life had fallen into a routine that she enjoyed. She was the type of person who strived when she had a routine, which was a reason she enjoyed the AFD (Australian Defence Force) life so much. The early morning starts breakfast with her friends, before heading off to training than work for the day. Everything was in a schedule and Jade thrived off schedules.

So, when her new routine started she found herself feeling a lot more comfortable with her life. Every morning she would get up and go gym either by herself or with Marcus if he had a late start at work. After the gym, she would pick up some breakfast and meet either Noah or Sophia for an appointment whether it be for doctors, OT, Helen or seeing Dylan.

Each day Jade found herself improving and found herself struggling less with everyday activities. She still struggled to get herself dressed most mornings, but it was a working progress. Some days were better than others. There were days when Jade didn't want to get out of bed and was forced to get up and moving. There were days she wondered what the point of everything was. There were days where the finish line seemed so far and impossible. It was those days that Marcus would spend the night even if it was a weekday.

She wasn't too sure if it was for his or her comfort but, she didn't care. She liked having him over and she liked spending her time with him. Each day she felt closer and closer to Marcus and they were finally starting to have a normal relationship that they both wanted. They were making good progress in couple therapy and started getting to the deep-rooted issues they both had. She found out about his ex and Marcus learnt more about her relationship with Garrett.

They were fighting less, and Jade found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him as each day went by. She wanted to tell him how she felt, but every time she tried she became locked up. Almost as if her body forgot how to say those 3 letter words, like her brain forgot what it was like to say and feel like she was loved.

"What are your plans for today?" Marcus asked as he waited for the coffee to drip into his cup. He tried to get Jade to sleep for a few more hours considering she woke up last night from a nightmare. Jade shrugged her shoulders and yawned knowing she wasn't getting back to sleep anytime soon.

It was 4 in the morning and Marcus had to get up to get ready for work. Noah wasn't here yet as it was way too early for any normal human to be functioning. As the coffee finished Marcus passed a cup to Jade as she gently blew across the top of her cup, before taking a small sip of the dark liquid.

"Noah is taking me to the gym later. I got to go buy some stuff from the shops, but other than that it is a lazy day." Jade looked out at the darkness outside. Daylight savings had ended as the cool Autumn started to kick in. The days had become shorter and the air was starting to cool. They couldn't use the pool anymore, so Noah normally took Jade to the local pool twice a week to do her hydrotherapy.

"Marco and I are catching up with the guys later tonight. Did you want to join?" Marcus put some bread in the toaster as he went to the fridge to grab some eggs to make breakfast for him and Jade. Jade hadn't seen Marcus's team since their last tour. She knew they were all close, but she didn't feel like she would be welcomed.

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