Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Jade was having a wonderful sleep when a blinding light woke her up and a loud noise that had her jerking up in her bed looking around for any danger.

"Time to get up Corporal." She groaned at the booming voice of the sergeant at such an early hour of the morning.

"Why." She groaned as the bed sheets were ripped off her bed and clothes were thrown at her.

"Get dressed and be in the kitchen in 10 minutes." Marcus left causing Jade to groan again before getting out of bed and putting on the clothes that Marcus left out for her. Jade put on her cameo pants and a brown shirt with her unit number on it before tying up her boots which were left at the end of the bed.

"5 minutes corporal." Jade murmured under her breath and left the room tying up her hair. Jade walked into the kitchen when something was thrown at her that she quickly caught.

"Eat up we are leaving in 5." Jade quickly eat her muesli bar under the watchful eye of Marcus. She could feel his eyes lingering on her arm, but he didn't make a comment as she continued to eat. Once she finished eating, Marcus passed her a bottle of Gatorade which she started to sip as they started to move out of the house and into the brisk country air.

"Okay 10 minutes to stretch before we go for a run." Jade started to stretch and couldn't help, but notice the way Marcus's muscles tightened up exposing large masses of muscles as he stretched. Shaking her head, she continued her own stretch knowing if she didn't she would be very sore afterwards. Her physio had given her the all-clear for light physical exercise on her leg. Running was allowed but only at a slow brisk jog. However, that didn't stop her. 

"You ready?" Jade rolled her shoulders back before nodding her head.

"Well, let's go." They both started off the run, and they set a decent pace as they both ran side by side. They ran in silence as the endless land stretched out before them and the fresh air filled their lungs. As they ran, the sun started to rise, bringing with it the heat for the day. After a while, Jade felt her leg throb, so she slowed down the quickened pace to a slower jog.

"You all right?" Marcus said as if he hadn't been running at all.

"Just my leg is cramping up," Jade said breathless realising just how unfit she had become with not being able to do anything. Marcus said nothing as he slowed down his pace to match hers and they kept running. The longer they ran the hotter it became and by the time they got back to the house every part of her body ached and she was panting like a dog.

Jade placed her hand on her knees trying to get air back into her body. However, she felt herself stop breathing as she watched Marcus remove his shirt and tuck it into his pant. She starred at his solid chest as sweat ran down his bronzed skin and gathered at the top of his pants, which were sitting incredibly low on his hips.

"You did better than I expected." Marcus chucked her a bottle of water that snapped her out of the lustful daze she was in.

"How long were we gone for?" Marcus checked his watched before grinning.

"We were running for just over two-and-a-half hours." Fuck Jade thought, no wonder she was so bloody sore.

"I'm so unfit." Marcus didn't say anything as Jade finished the water.

"Now drop and give me 20 situps." Jade stared at him with a wide mouth before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Are you serious?" Marcus raised an eyebrow and copied Jade stance with legs apart and arms crossed over his chest showing off his bulging muscles.

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