Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The next weeks flew by. Jade and Marcus stayed up in the country for another 2 weeks, and Jade was grateful to take a break from her life and not have to worry about anything. Every morning was the same routine. Marcus would wake her up before the sun had risen to go for a slow morning run sometimes walk. After the run/walk, they would spend the next better part of the morning working on getting Jade's strength back, before spending the rest of the day either working on the farm or hanging out together watching tv.

Jade and Marcus grew closer over the weeks and she felt like she was getting closer to Marcus. They talked a little about their lives as children and Jade learnt that their father had passed away from a heart attack while he was on a tour. Which prompted the boys to follow their father's footsteps and join the defence force.

Their trip back to Sydney wasn't like the silent trip up. They filled it with talking and laugher as Marcus talked about the trouble he and his brother used to get up to as small children.

"Feel good to be back?" Marcus asked as they came into Sydney. As traffic became busier and the smell of air pollution that permanently lingered in the air, Jade sighed. The truth was, it didn't feel good to be back. It felt as if the moment they pulled into Sydney the air became tighter and the tension that was in Jade before she left was back again, along with the anxiety and confusion of her life.

"Yes, and no," Marcus said nothing as they pulled up to their apartment block. Over the last few weeks, Jade had become stronger with all the running and exercises Marcus had been making her do. She found that she was less reliant on her crutches and only ever needed them when she overworked herself. So, when they arrived and found the lift not working yet again, she could walk up the 4 flight of stairs with no complaint from her leg.

"I'll let you settle back in." Marcus gave a nod as he stepped into his apartment and Jade stood in front of her apartment and let out a long deep sigh. Opening the door, silence greeted her and she realised she missed the company of Marcus. She walked over to her fridge and smiled when she saw it stocked with food and a little note from Marco. She grabbed a bottle of water and sat on her couch and let the horrible silence wrap around her like a warm blanket that wasn't wanted.

She didn't turn on the tv; she didn't open her computer. Jade just sat in the silence realising how lonely her life was. Having enough of the pity party she was throwing herself. Jade got up, got dressed and booked an appointment to go see Helen. She grabbed her keys, wallet and when she left her apartment, she saw Marco coming out at the same time.

"Welcome back Jade. How are you feeling?" Jade shrugged her shoulders. If he asked that about a few days ago she would have said marvellous, but now only after being back in Sydney for less than an hour, she felt depressed and upset, as the heavyweight of loneliness settled into her skin. This feeling was almost crippling that it made Jade feel weak at the knees.

Marco frowned but said nothing. From what his brother just quickly told him Jade was doing fine, but now it seemed as if everything was going downhill again.

"Well, I have got myself a hot date, I'll see you later." Jade watched Marco walk away and Jade stood still for a few minutes trying to work through her overwhelming feelings before she too left before she was late.


"So, Jade I haven't seen you in a while," Helen said once she sat down in her office. The walk to Helen's office was a quiet one without her crutches. It wasn't too warm as summer hadn't arrived, meaning Jade wasn't dripping in sweat by the time she arrived.

"I was out of town for a little while." Jade shrugged, and Helen sat back in her chair.

"How lovely where did you end up going?" Helen started with and Jade smiled at the fond memories she had created with Marcus while she was away. 

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