9- Dream Guild

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Happy glances at me from the corner of his eye and then back to Lucy.

"We're members-mghm"

I shoot my arm out and clasp it to Happy's mouth, keeping him saying what I'm waiting to say myself.

"Fairy Tail, huh?"

Lucy nods her head and looks from me to Happy a little confused, but continues talking anyway.

"It's an amazing guild. I just hope that they'll let me join."

A knowing smile spreads on my face and I move my hand from Happy's mouth.

"What the heck, Natsu?!"

I ignore him.

"Happy and I here are actually both members of Fairy Tail."

Lucy looks from me to Happy and stays silent for almost thirty seconds, her eyes holding astonishment, before she sits back in her seat and shakes her head.

"Haha very funny."

A small smirk stays present on my face at her denial and I lift my arm up and pull one side of my jacket down to reveal my guild mark. Lucy watches with confusion when I pull my jacket off and for a second I see the urge to slap me for stripping in public pass across her facial features but as soon as she sees the mark her eyes widen in awe.

"Happy and I can take you there."

She looks from my shoulder to me, her mouth opening and closing and her face stuck in a state of shock.

My smile falls after many moments of her staring with wide eyes. Happy and I both look at her with concerned faces as she just stares at both of us, unable to bring the words out, until she snaps out of it and her face lights up brightly. Her hands clasp together in front of her and she leans forward on the table.

My confident self from only moments ago that had control of the situation and knew exactly how it would play out disappears. The close proximity starts to overwhelm me, her scent traveling up my nose and her eyes staring into mine. I bite my lip to keep any emotions from showing.

"Please! Please take me there!"

Her face is inches away from mine, excitement practically radiating off of her.

A lump forms in my throat and it takes me a moment before I respond.

I nod my head dumbly and attempt to push a response out.


Her mouth opens in a great big smile and she leans back in her seat. She fumbles with her bag and pulls out a bunch of money. She throws it onto the table and stands up abruptly, looking at both me and Happy who stare at her in slight shock.

"Well...let's go!"

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