Chapter 58: Final Ascension

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* This is the final chapter and it may be short *

The queen was devoured, to the bone, by Zuri's diplosaurus form. They were very soon bathing in a yellow light from above. They were instantly teleported to Hell. Three tall beings adorned in golden and red garments awaited them.

"We, the Keepers of Truth can now leave this dimension seeing as how its under the right rulers. Be sure to not let it fall under a different ruler. With your power Zuri and Gemma, it should be easy."
                      The very next day

Countless combat demons lined up along with a dozen Archdemons. Gemma held Zuri's hand.
"Lets take over that pitiful place called eath."

Several portals opened and demons poured out. Humans powerless to stop it. Gemma only had heart for Zuri so she murdered Josh and had flasback to when they were fighting the two Cavendish. It was absolutely no surprise the so called father of Zuri was also a Cavendish.

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