Chapter 26: Doppelganger Rising

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Pure anger radiated of Gemma allowing the tiger to growl even more fiercely. She grabbed her hair as if she's trying to pull it out. The tiger, with Gemma inside, was nothing but a black and orange blur.
"I dont know what's happening..." she was now behind him, the tiger raked his back and disappeared in a blur, cautions not to hurt Zuri.
"I dont know why its happening..." infront of him with a backhand to his prevented the lethal connection then an ice column shot out at her spontaneously. She failed to dodge it.

The tiger barreled across the crater and dented a police vehicle. She stood up and shook away the dizziness.
"Relax Gemma, I'll take care of this." Lucifer soothed, dropping down next to her.
"You dont understand,... get out of my wa-" Gemma felt like the breath was sqeezed out of her when she saw Zuri, fully frozen in thick ice. Tears threatened to fall.
"An eye of an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a brother for a sister.... a life for a life. Isn't that right Gemma!" Happiness surged through the boys body knowing he had avenged his brother, but it just didn't satisfy him.
"Now I'll freeze you just like I froze her and kill everyone in your life just like you did. My brother was the only thing worth living for and you've taken him away."

Gemma's anger and tears brimmed, her eye twitched, her right eye, her negative eye. Lines seeped out of the cut she got during the mall massacre, adding onto the present ones. The tiger, majestic tiger grew bigger, muscles rippling under the fur, claws extended, canines elongated. It was even more majestic and intimidating. Matching the size of a Ford Ranger, blurring speed and beyond lethal power, Gemma felt even more alive in the tiger form. Its stripes got darker, the orange was so dark it almost appeared red.

"I notice its two on one..." a voice said as dark clouds swirled near the ground out of nowhere like an unexpected typhoon. Two midnight black horses stepped out along with a thick limbed man with an even thicker chevron moustache.
"Now its two on one the other way." Cavendish laughed. Gemma's former father stood before them, his eyes darker and face more menacing.

"P...papã? What are you doing here."
They all charged, time slowed giving Lucifer the upper hand, Gemma's negative eye kept up with all the movements allowing her to spring above her father's tackle and land squarely on an ice column. Dash down at Xavier to finish what she had started. An ice wall protruded from the column, with ease the tiger pulverized it reducing it to harmless shards. The streets now empty, people fled at the sight of the majestic tiger but some hid to film the event. The tiger's claws were now extended, she bolted to the killer but her father tackled to the barren earth. Time resumed its normal pace and with lightning speed Gemma was up, coiled her hind legs and lunged towards Xavier. He was too slow in his evading, not faster than the tiger, she landed on him and spared no time clawing his flimsy body. One of the two Cavendish shot a bolt of lightning which sent her flying through two buildings.

Lucifer wasn't even breaking a sweat evading the attacks of the two Cavendishes. Lightning bolts,  duck, exploding spheres,  frontflips over them, the Cavendishes weren't serious as well.

Gemma erupted from the dust clouds and rubble. The Cavendishes got faster more serious with the battle. Lucifer summoned a leading demon, Beoxon. Blue intense majestic destroyer flames shot out of Beoxon's mouth as Lucifer flamed on and attacked the other Cavendish who blocked his punch with a roundhouse kick, teleported behind  the devil and delivered an axe kick that trembled the ground before Lucifer could grab him he dissolved into the air, reappearing in front of him. Cavendish's teleportation was fast but Lucifer's reflexes were faster, as the Cavendish swung his fist for a clean uppercut Lucifer put his hand to block as his midnight black blade manifested itself onto his other hand. Before her could dice the Cavendish... Lily popped out of nowhere with a drop kick to the Cavendish and Borris axe kicked the other that was on the verge of beheading Beoxon.

Ice walls were like paper to Gemma's majestic tiger, with her anger untamed  the curse of the red blade had no restrictions or restraints. She dashed past an ice wall as another came up. Her father dropped from it landing on the tiger's head rendering her nearly immobile.
"Get off me papã.!... Please"
"Would you shut up... I'm not your father-"

"IF THAT IS TRUE! !!" everyone stopped and stared in the direction of the humongous voice.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Please comment and share and consider voting.  Also  please check out THE ANOMALIES : AWAKENING you may like it. Thanks for reading you guys and gals are the best

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know

Devils Assassin :WhitebladeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon