Chapter 29: Fury of a Cavendish

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Crimson clouds drifted at leisurely pace along black and crimson sky. The dark horses were impatient as they were being unbridled, pounding the ground with their massive hooves and throwing their heads around wildly. The horses kicked up dust as they sped away as soon as they were freed from their restraints.

Cavendish's mind swirled with thoughts and was flooded with worries unlike the second one who just relaxed floating around the air.
"Relax yourself Mullo. After we bring back the fire using boy we can kill the twins properly." Suggested the floating Cavendish in a calm demeanor. His dark cloak covering his face flapped like a silk cloth on a windy day.

"Metsi, Metsi, Metsi! How dumb can you be? They'll probably be ready for anything now. My plan would have worked flawlessly is that devil and his mutts stayed away!" He spoke fast and his voice was sharp, ceaselessly pacing around the dusty terrain. His dark cloak, lifeless. He turned suddenly to look at the oversized man with his cloak making a flap sound as he did so.
"Old man, since you ratted us out I want you to go to the World of the Living and bring me a host around the same age as these twins. Destroy the city for all I care just bring me that host... alive." He glared at the old man, his eyes glowing a dark purple from inside the hoody. The old man blindly followed instructions with fear as his motivator

He threw his glare at the young Cavendish who seemed not to have a care in the world and grinned like a mad joker.
"I can feel you smiling, Mullo." Cavendish sighed as he floated by, upside down. The older Cavendish let out a small rusty laugh.
"Yes. You should be too. Metsi I'm sure you know Cavendish Kolodimo, right?" The young Metsi froze in mid-air and gave a sharp gasp. He silently landed, creating a cloud of dust.

"Yes, I know of Kolodimo. He was the most powerful Cavendish. Mastered almost everything a Cavendish could master
Mastermind of his time, never lost a battle nor did he lose a war. He was a ruthless and heartless being. Up to this era his name is feared. Kolodimo." A unearthly shiver worked its way throughout his body as he said the name. Fear oozed out of every word he said.
"Good Metsi. Now follow me." He lifted off into the air slowly.
"What about us?" Xavier asked, cradling the stiff dead body of his brother.
"You'll get your brother back, there are more pressing matters now. Metsi lets go." He waved Xavier off like an annoying fly and took off.

The patch formation of crimson clouds made the ground below hard to see. Their cloaks fluttered helplessly as they flew.
"Where are we headed to?" Metsi asked as he tried keeping his arms by his side and in his cloak. To any onlookers they'd appear like flying dark cloths.
"Cc. Cavendish cemetery." He answered in a gruff voice.
"Dont tell me that-" his voice came out as nothing but a whimper.
"Teleport with me, flying is slow." Mullo cut. His body and cloak then dissolved instantly, Metsi followed.

The cemetery was dark and quiet beyond the massive arched gates carved from the Aduz' Lephuex tree. Only a Cavendish could go through without lethal poisoning. Darkness swallowed them as they entered the groundless cemetery. Cavendish Metsi opened his hand, the only part of his body not hidden in cloak. A whirlwind of air formed and dispersed leaving a spiked ball of light floating.
"Put that off. Lets find Kolodimo's spirit and soul." Mullo whispered loudly in anger
"How they're about a zillion other Cavendish." Metsi complained
"Kolodimo's spirit and soul is the highest one." Mullo explained. He began flying when he heard a blood curling screech and a flap of wings.
"Damn it. Cemetery gaurds." He cursed in whisper.
"What?" Metsi asked, baffled as they wove between black soul-spirit orbs.
"Demon hybrids that gaurd cemeteries of the underworld, switch off that light ... give me that." His voice was urgent, he swiped it from Metsi and threw it far. It blew up in an explosion of light.
"That should distract them." He sighed.

As they got higher up the dark soul-spirit orbs got less until there was one orb left.
Kolodimo's soul-spirit. Cavendish Mullo greedily grabbed it and stuffed it in his cloak.

Thanx for reading lovely wattpadders. Hope you enjoyed as much as I did.  Please share with other lovely wattpadders and please comment.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know

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