Chapter 55: pharaoh's TOMB

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Gemma transported them to the underworld using the Sij orbs.
"How do you master these paranormal things so fast Gemma?" Zuri asks,  Gemma turns and looks at her sister in a bedazzled manner.
"I know right? We've got a knack for this. The orbs obey me apparently and I'm not even gonna question that." 

"So where do we find the mummy." 
As Zuri asks that question, bandages shoot past her. 
"It would appear the answer has fallen onto our laps. Run now." 

The chase was on, the mummy, the aslac knew exactly who the are and wasn't pleased with them living. He extended his bandages, wrapping them around Gemma and Zuri. 

"Whoever Lucifer employed to kill you two did a terrible job. I'll do that pitiful devil's job for him and take over hell and ultimately the underworld." the mummy explains. Gemma's eye immediately transitions to negative. Zuri's eyes change as well, dinosaur eyes.

"LUCIFER DID WHAT???!!!" Gemma yells.

From the darkness nearby a very boastful vice boomed. "FEEL THAT BURNING SENSATION? Its time to put the mummy back in his TOMB!!!" light cracked the darkness and Hell's gate was revealed. Menacing with Lucifer's devil face and wings on-top. Lucifer erupted from Hell, his well defined muscles covered in orange flames. With one powerful, decisive kick he boots the mummy far into Hell. In the process the bandages loosen over Gemma and Zuri. 
"I told you Lucifer could not be trusted." Zuri spat, heading to battle. Gemma stops her sister by grabbing her arm and shaking her head. 
"Now is not the time to point fingers. I've got an undisputed, irrefutable and unfathomable ace up my sleeve. We can find it right around here." Gemma calmly states.


Lucifer takes out his seventh sword: Arsenal while the mummy takes out the rest of the six he stole. The Devil flexes his neck and beats his wings.
" I'll show you the true owner of those swords is." And at that moment the mummy knew he fucked up. Pride quickly blinded him of this.

The mummy threw both the twin destroyer blade at Lucifer with poor accuracy. Lucifer simply dodged and took hold of the hilt of the blades and only the did the mummy wish he could rescind that move. The blades were now owned by Lucifer. Clouds gathered and time slowed, they parry. The mummy jumps away but Lucifer has the upper hand, flying behind him and slicing his bandages with the Twin Destroyer Blades. His bandages are separated from him in the explosion as lightning strikes Lucifer again. Time resumes its normal pace. 

With the bandages, the mummy was basically powerless his only power was to control the rest of the blades he had and would so pitifully loose along with his life. Lucifer would make sure he went back into his coffin or tomb, whatever mummies were buried in these days.

The skinny enemy took out the third blade: reality warper and the fifth blade: power. The fifth blade gave him more power and the third simply warped reality. A thousand hell hounds surround Lucifer only for a split second before they disappeared. The devil exploded in laughter.

"This is Hell. I can warp reality here so well I dont need a sword."

Swords clash with an irritating gong that reverberates through Hell, the fires threaten to extinguish with the power being exerted. One flick of his wrist, Lucifer clearly chopped off the hand that had the fifth blade: power. The mummy takes out the sixth blade: paralyse and throws the reality warping blade towards Lucifer, it turns into ash and the real blade penetrates his wing from behind. Lucifer warps reality and gives himself eight wings and bigger muscles. He takes a deep breath, his chest inflates and he spits out fires. Light orange intense fire that had such fury it surpasses Gemma.

The mummy uses the blades to block the fires but the heat was too intense. Lucifer ceased the moment to get closer as the mummy refused to give up and give in. Lucifer leisurely grabbed the sixth blade: paralyze from the mummy and since it was heated it was easy to yank it from him and kick the nuisance away. Lucifer rolled his eyes.

"I really thought you'd be a challenge, Aslac! This? This is just pitiful! You're nothing but solid ash and bone without your bandages huh?" The Aslac tried to get up, Lucifer boots him into the air, his devil feet piercing his hollow midsection. Lucifer flies into the air and Somersaults into axe kicking the mummy back to the super heated ground of Hell. The mummy would have no choice but to take out the remaining blades, the fourth blade: dystopiana and the first blade: soul vacuum.

Lucifer, up on the air and condescendingly glaring at the weak mummy with utter pride, uses the seventh blade: arsenal as it turns a bloody red colour. He points it at the mummy and a series of heat gysers erupted around the mummy but the fourth blade: dystopiana defends him.

"HAA! I AM A GENIUS!" Lucifer hollers. Time slows and Lucifer plays with the mummy. The opponent defends with dystopiana and sends Lucifer flying back, leaving a mark on the scorched earth. He gets up angered, eyeing the eyeless mummy who only moved in correspondence to detection of a diffraction in the atmosphere and sound.
The mummy attacks with a slash using dystopiana, Lucifer defends using the two twin destroyer blades and simply smiled.

"If your brain hadn't rotted that much and you could use these blades. You actually could've won. For example!"

Lucifer pushes the mummy away and pulled back, creating space and her activated the twin destroyer blades, destroying that space in violent explosions that separate them. Lucifer launched the seventh blade: arsenal towards him with a thin chain connected to blades. It strikes the ground inches before the mummy's scorched feet. The mummy looks up

"Imbecile! You missed." The mummy laughed. Lucifer replied.

"When opponents say that, the attack wasn't ment for them in the first place."

At that moment, the ground below him erupted like a furious volcano. Lucifer flew into it and drilled the mummy out, using his horns and eventually pile driving him onto the scorched ground and slashing him with the paralysis blade, the sixth blade allowing him to take the dystopiana from him. Lucifer curb stomps the mummy's face repeatedly onto the and gave him a chance to take out the most lethal blade...first blade: soul vacuum.

Its a long blade that bent around the edges which gave it a centipede-like-appearance. It was dark and light at the same time but Lucifer wasn't daunted by it. Not even in the slightest way.

Time slows and the mummy gets hit from every possible direction by each one of the swords. The twin destroyer blow away his toothpick legs, the reality warper engulfs him in scorching ice, the dystopiana slices him in vertical halves, power allows for Lucifer to hit the two halves into the burning air, the blade of paralysis did its job and the final blade, Arsenal generated a massive ball of demonic energy.
"Go back to sleep." The ball is released and obliterated the mummy. Lucifer calmly walks by and casually picked up the blade and flaps into the air.

"There are none that can defeat me. They are all dead. Name one person that can defeat me?!" A moment of silence, the mummy is damaged beyond help.

Gemma and Zuri shove the lid off and lay eyes on a blindly beautiful lady. Her skin is pale and the lay theur hands on her chest, feeling the energy drawn from them. She opened her beautiful red eyes the iris' had a black rind are them then red with dark beautiful pupils at the centre. She gracefully climbs out the majestic coffin and tears a piece of cloth from her flawless golden robe that sweeps the floor.

"I thank you for life. I give you pieces of my clothing and beg you wear them, for I do wish to have you by my side in the future." Her voice is like that of an angel, it has the power to soothe a raging beast, to soften rocks and bend a knotted oak.
Gemma tied it as a arm band like Zuri and the beautiful mistress was seen no longer.

"There are none that can defeat me. They are all dead. Name one person that can defeat me?!" A moment of silence, the mummy is damaged beyond help. A kick was plastered onto his face and with great speed, latched itself onto his wings and ripped them off. He pummeled onto the ground with immeasurable power forcing him to eat dirt. He groans in utter pain and disbelief.

"Nefariette?" He asks.
"Little brother! If you kill me again and take the throne, you better make sure I dont come back!" Nefariette warns.

Zuri high-fives Gemma.
"Congratulations! We just resurrected Nefariette."

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