Chapter 2: Lucifer

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Gemma dashed for the stairs leading to her room but he grabbed her arm and whirled her in. Her hand was on his chest.
"Let me go!"she wailed in demand rapidly beating his muscular chest.
"I dont think we've met" he politely stated inbhis deep enchanting voice. He locked his vermillion gaze to Gemma's dark one as she stopped.
"I killed you, you're a dead motherfucker!" She continued lowering her voice slightly
"Really?"he questioned
"Yeah !"
"That's what you think" he whispered in her ear letting her arm go. She pushed  him away after smelling the hypnotic playboy cologne
" I'm Lucifer" he streched out his arms, formally introducing himself
"Really now?" Gemma doubted.

The wooden french doors swung open letting in a thunderous voice
"We're home Gemma"
Her dad's thick gargantuan belly pushing and shoving its way into the house before he and his scawny wife followed into the majestic house.

"My papã will kill us both if he finds you here, come" Gemma grabbed Lucifer's arm and bolted to her room.
"Gemma how many goddamn times I gotta tell you to switch off this TV"
She rubbed her temples while softly repeating
"Kill. Kill. Kill. Dont loose your sanity. Kill people that dont matter"
"You ok Gemma?"he asked, his voice clearly flooded with concern.
"Yeah just another day dealing with my parents and that's not the worst" she confesses setting the ice-cream ob the bed.
"Damn that must suck" he agreed sitting on her soft purple silk covered bed
"Get off my bed, ill be back" she warned leaving the room heading back downstairs.

Her dad fiercely glared at her as she descended down the flight of stairs in her panties and golden silk top.
"I've spoken about your dress code more than a million-"
"Dad! Im 17 turning 18 three days from now. Stop treating me like a three-year old!"she cut
"Gemma you shouldn't intercept your father like that" her mother warned in fear for her daughter.
"You are moving out on that day young lady!" He boomed under his chevron mustaché.
"Well great" Gemma concluded, storming back up stairs.

The purple walled room was empty when Gemma re-entered.
"Lucifer? Where'd you go undead  freak?"

She took off her golden silk top and collapsed onto the bed. With the summer temperatures soaring well above 47 degrees celsius Gemma saw no valid reason to close the windows. Her eyrs began to feel heavy as she drifted off to sleep wearing nothin but her purple panty

A strong gust of wind blew in awakening Gemma in her dim room only lit by the graying wanning moon.
"What time is it?" She asked nobody in particular
"Its midnight" a familiar voice responded within the shadows of the bed
"Lucifer? Oh my FUCK get out!"
His hand brushed past her soft cheek. He thrusted his face close to her. He was suddenly like a magnet, Gemma felt a urge that was near impossible to resist. Gemma lunged forward, his lips pressing onto her lips as she raked his spiked crimson hair.

This is what I need  to  forget all my troubles. Damn this boy kisses GOOD.
She told herself as Lucifer preceded kissing her neck

For a stranger Lucifer sure was a handsome devil. Gemma ripped open Lucifer's red tuxedo top revealing his bare 8 abs and his biceps of steel. She gasped for air before resuming the tough wrestling. His hand was caressing her slim curved flawless hip as his other soft hand glided on her inner thigh finding its way to Gemma's panty. The hand slithered into the panty. As Lucifer's fingers rubbed her shaved vagina she let out as soft sigh then the bright lights of the chandelier turn on.


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