Chapter 12: Curse of the Red-blade

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A fever began to attack but her outside was shivering to the bone. The pain-killers seemed to not be working, this must be a different kind of flu damn it. The spot around her nearly cut eye was irritatingly hot, felling the need to use it Gemma got up and dashed off to the toilet. She sat and began to think, her head throbbed with pain so she just relaxed herself as she released the ice cold urine she was so tightly holding in. Gemma stood up slowly, feeling light headed and looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror out of curiosity to check how her day old- wound was healing. She saw her hair color begin to grow streaks of black and red and the natural brown color began fading, her right eye  was fully negative and the space around it appeared to be drawing black lines upon itself. Gemma blinked in surprise as her heart jumped to her throat, but no, it was real her eyes did not deceive her. There is something seriously wrong with her.

The 17 year old bolted back to bed and told herself it was just a dream... but then again that's what Peter Parker said, that's what they always say. But then again it could be Cavendish's illusions or spells... or it couldn't be. Gemma stumbled into bed as confused as she was and tried sleeping things off.


Zuri sat patiently in mathematics class like any good teenage assassin waiting for the period to end, something didn't feel right like it was out of place, confused and, and, she just couldn't put her finger on it but it bothered her... deeply. The glorious bell rang, Zuri jumped out of her seat with deep desire in her eyes and left the killer boring class into the commotion filled corridors. 

"Hey, thot! Yes you Gemma the thot come here" Zuri heard the familiar voice and stopped. a hand grabbed her shoulder and she turned to see Carter flanked by his 4 goons.

"So will you be my prom queen? That boy is absent today." he asked. Zuri loked at him, rage hidden by a blushing look

"You know what Carter? No" she wrapped her arms around his neck and he leaned in for a kiss, pouting his lips. She pulled him and brought her knee up, slamming his face into her knee and used the same leg to kick his gut. As he moved back she performed a side whip kick to slam his face on the ground, his goons moved in for the attack as the corridor made space for the fight, cheering the boys on. She was outnumbered but then again she was Zuri. A fat goon lunged for a punch as two more attacked with kicks, her body acted fast, ducking under the punch and sweep kicking the attacker off his feet. As soon as she got up a foot collided with her arm and another came rushing to her face. Zuri being Zuri caught the feet and pulled the attackers off their balancing feet. The last one standing looked at her and she stared right back. He ran towards her, full pace and at the last minute he lunged and pulled out a dagger from his back pocket. Zuri dodged to the side but the muscular boy managed to slash her entire arm.

"Oh... two can play at that game" she whispered gritting her teeth in pain looking and the blood seep out. She took out a silver kunai and bit down on the handle

"BUT ... only one of us have true experience, the other is just showing off "

This one is to the death.  Zuri thought to herself as she ran towards him biting down hard on the silver murder weapon. He dashed in her direction, ready to pluck out her eye, but she ducked. In her ducking the muscular boy kneed her in the face causing her to stumble back with a bloody nose, she wiped the steel-tasting blood with the sleeve of her long shirt from her nose and licked it. Zuri placed the wet kunai in her hand, gripping it tightly and ran towards him again.


Gemma woke up with a start, taking a deep gasp before her eyes could adjust to the light of the dimmed room. It was no surprise to find Lucifer watching her as she woke

"I know who it is." he said in a low voice



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