Chapter 21

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Waking up to the smell of bacon sizzling, the sound of Christmas music playing through out the house, and the feeling of happiness spread through out the atmosphere is my favorite part about Christmas; and the presents.

I sprung out of bed and rushed down the stairs to the kitchen. My mom was making cinnamon rolls, my dad cooking the bacon, and Max putting biscuits in the oven.

"Oh finally you're up," my dad teased.

"Yeah those pancakes aren't going to make themselves," Max pointed to the box of pancake mix. We always had our jobs to on Christmas morning and mine was making pancakes.

My parents liked to have a huge breakfast, and Niall's family would bring some things over and we all would have Christmas breakfast together after we opened presents. It was a tradition.

I made all the pancakes, and covered them up in a towel to keep them warm.

"Let's go open presents now!" I clapped my hands together.

Max and I took our usual spots on the floor in front of the tree and my parents took their spots on the couch across from us. We pulled out our assigned presents and began opening them.

Max got some weights, new work out clothes, and a brand new snowboard and surfboard. I got new clothes, some jewelry, a new bag, and shoes. And tickets to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert, which was more than I could have asked for.

"One more thing," my dad reached into his pocket and tossed whatever he had to me.

I caught it and looked at my hands. "No way! No way are you guys serious? This isn't real!" I got up from the floor and ran outside, and sitting in the driveway was a brand new, all white Range Rover. "Oh my god you guys! Thank you so much! I love it," I ran over to them and hugged them both.

"Not fair!" Max yelled.

I stuck my tongue out at him and ran back inside the house.

"Okay guys, your mother and I have a big announcement," my dad told us. We all gathered in the living room.

"So," he rubbed his hands together and him and my mother exchanged glances. "We've been wanting to tell you guys for a while, and we decided today would be the best day, so to speak."

"Are we going to Disneyland!?" Max exclaimed.

I shot him a look. "Are you serious? How old are you again? I didn't know you were still five!"

"No, not Disneyland," my mom spoke up.

"So, I've been asked to show a house, a nice big house, that will bring in a lot of money for us. We can go on better vacations, Max maybe you can get a car you want, we could get a bigger house. This will basically help us out a lot," my dad informed us.

"That's awesome, Dad!" I beamed.

"But, it's in Australia," my mom added in. "And we leave tomorrow." I was not expecting that.

"But you guys just got back..."

"I know sweetie, but this will be really good for us! We can do so much more if your father sells this house."

I nodded my head, "I understand."

"We'll be back before you know it. But let's eat. I'm starving and the Horan's should be here any moment," my mother got up from the couch and walked into the dining room, with my father and Maxwell trailing behind, leaving me on the floor.

I can't believe my parents just got back and are leaving again already. Merry Christmas, Millie.


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