Chapter 14

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"Don't move," Harry demanded.

Harry and I were at the place in the woods. The same spot he took me to the other day. In my head I called it his "secret spot", just because he told me he's never taken people here before. But the way he spoke about it, made it seem like he never came here alone. That maybe he used to come here with someone and just didn't want to admit it to me. It was probably Lily.

He wanted to take a break from studying, as always. I didn't mind though, I needed a break as well. Harry's little secret spot was very calm, very peaceful. Almost like you were out casted from the rest of the world, but in a good way. I've noticed that Harry is really into getting away; away from everyone. I haven't decided if it's a good or bad thing, but there's nothing wrong with being alone.

I was sitting on one of the big, grey boulders, listening to my music, while Harry was sitting on the fallen log.

He distracted me from my inner thoughts and I wiped my head in his direction. "Why?" I asked.

"Just...don't move." He ordered one more time.

My eyes started to grow wide. "Harry, is there a bug on me!?" I screamed.

He laughed at me. "No, but just stay still."

My voice grew into a whisper, "Is there a bear behind me?"

"No," he chuckled.

"Then what?" I was starting to grow impatient.

"Don't move. Just stay just like that." His voice irritable.

I did as he said, sitting on the boulder. My eyes scanned him, as he sat on his log, hunched over scribbling something into that journal he always carries with him.

Sometimes at school I'll see him writing stuff down in it. Like in English class, or math class, even at lunch in the cute garden outside. I know he told me he writes poems and what not in it, but I've always been curious to read what inner thoughts he decided to put to paper.

His writing came to a halt and a big smile spread across his face. He looked over at me, with twinkling eyes.

I smiled back, "What?"

"Come here," he waved his hand at me.

I slid off the boulder and walked over towards the log, taking a seat next to Harry. He scooted closer and turned towards me. "Are you ready?" He asked excitedly. I gave him a nod.

He was hesitant at first before passing the brown, withered journal over to me, showing me what he created.

"Harry..." I gasped.

"Do you like it?" His voice deep, and gravely. I loved when it sounded like that.

"It's...amazing. It's beautiful," I was at loss for words. In the short amount of time we have been here, Harry drew a sketch of me sitting on the boulder.

"I must say, it's one of my favorite sketches I've ever done," he complimented himself.

"I didn't know you could draw," I admitted. He gave me a small shrug before putting his head down.

I feel like each day I spend with Harry I learn something new about him. Even things that he doesn't have to tell me.

I've learned he's really into nature, just by how he always wants to get out and go outside. Or that he's right handed. Or that he bites his bottom lip when he's thinking. Or when he puts his head down to hide a smile. It's interesting how you can learn so much about someone without them having to tell you.

We sat there in silence for a while, our shoulders touching. I wish I would've known about this place, it really is calming. It almost pushes all your troubles away. The tall trees made you feel as if you were in your own hideaway. There was a light breeze, that caused me to shiver and goosebumps appeared on my arms.

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