Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning to the door bell ringing. I was already groggy and disoriented, but for some reason it caught me off guard when I looked over to see Niall shirtless, sleeping soundly, in my bed. I forgot I had asked him to stay with me.

I got out of bed, wearing my overly baggy t-shirt that was long enough to cover my pajama shorts. My make up was smeared from not removing it the night before, and my hair was in a completely ratted up bun. I checked the clock; 8 am. Who in the world would be at my door this morning?

I figured it was Max, who just stayed at the party last night and forgot his key.

I slowly chugged down the stairs and made my way to the front door. I rubbed my eyes as I opened it, but shocked to see who was standing before me.

"Drew?" I said questionably.

"Hey..." he responded back, then put his head down.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed while stepping out onto my porch and closing the door behind me.

"I wanted to talk."

"About what?" I folded my arms over my chest. Mostly to close myself off from him, but also because there was crisp, cool breeze blowing on this gloomy morning.

"About last night," he cleared his throat.

I turned my head, focusing on someone across the street. "There's nothing to talk about," I said coldly, not making eye contact.

Drew sighed, "Yes Millie, there's a lot to talk about."

I snapped my head in his direction, "No, there's not."

"Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sor-"

"There you are! I thought something happened to you when I woke up," Niall interrupted, opening the door in just his boxer briefs and no shirt on. He could have at least put a damn shirt on before coming out here.

I whipped my head around, facing Niall, whose expression changed from worried to furious instantly. Then I slowly turned my head, facing Drew, who had a disgusted look on his face.

"What the fuck is this?" He spit out.

"Oh-uh-Niall just-"

"I stayed the night with her because you scared the shit out of her Drew," Niall stepped out closing the door behind him, coming up behind me so I was in the middle of the two of them. "Are you out of your fucking mind? You honestly think you were going to harm her and get away with it?"

Drew let out a laugh, "Dude, I was drunk. Why is everyone making a big deal about it?"

"Because it is a big deal!" Niall screamed, stepping closer which pushed me, causing me to come closer to Drew.

"I came to apologize, for acting out and for calling you a slut." Drew scoffs, "but now I see it's true."

"What?" Niall and I both say in unison.

"Don't play dumb with me. You come walking out in an baggy t-shirt, which is probably his, your make ups smeared and your hair is a mess. And he comes out shirtless in just his boxer briefs? You two definitely fucked." He spits the last word out, which causes me to cringe.

"No, we didn't Drew." Niall's voice sounded annoyed.

"Don't fucking lie to me. You guys always had thing while Millie and I were dating. I knew it was gonna happen."

"Did you not hear me?When I said you scare the shit out of her? Shewas probably afraid you'd come after her. But I swear to fucking God if Harry wasn't there I would have done worse." Niall threatened.

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