Chapter 19

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Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the cold weather. Mainly because I adore the fashion when it comes to chilly weather, but during the holiday season I feel like everyone is in a more cheerful mood.

The town becomes gorgeous. Trees wrapped in lights, candy cane decoration in restaurant windows, and the huge Christmas tree by the court house down town gets decorated beautiful lights and ornaments.

But more than that, I love spending time with my family, and Niall and his family of course. My parents are usually never home and the past few years they haven't been here for Christmas, and normally Max and I would spend it with the Horan's. Nothing was wrong with that, but it's nice to finally spend time with my family on holidays. You never really realize how important it is to you until it's gone.

"Are you excited to get out of here?" Niall whispered in my ear

I leaned back in my chair, "Yeah, the time seems to be going by so slow."

We were taking our math final, I finished, and there was around 30 minutes left of class. I'm not sure how Harry was doing, I helped him study last minute, and he seemed to be understanding, so I'm sure he would do fairly well.

Niall, on the other hand, god bless that kid. He had no idea what he was doing. I even let him copy some of my answers just so he would at least have some right. I talked to him about switching into an easier class for him but he insisted on staying, stating that he just needed to pay attention more.

"I have to go turn in some late work after this so I'll just meet you after finals are done." He informed me.

I nodded, "Okay! Just don't be late we're almost done with this place I don't want to wait here for you."

"I'll be out as soon as I can, grumpy," Niall joked.

The remaining minutes seemed forever to pass and everyone was taking their sweet time to finish their test.

Eventually to bell ring, giving everyone the feeling of success and relief as they walked out of the classroom door.

Niall patted me on the back and rushed off to wherever he had to go.

I always forget how lonely I am without Niall. Taylor is no where to be found around school anymore, I haven't heard from her for a month or so. And without Niall, I walk alone in the hall ways.

I walked to my locker to put my books away, won't be needing those for a couple weeks. I felt two hands cover my eyes.

"Hey there sexy lady, why are you all alone in these halls. They can be dangerous," the familiar, raspy voice spoke right into my ear, sending chills right up my spine.

"Hello, Harry," I say with his hands still covering my eyes.

"Aw how did you know it was me?" He dropped his hands.

"I recognize that voice from anywhere," I closed my locker and face him. He has that damn smirk across his face, showing off his dimples.

"Let's hang out after this. Let's celebrate no more school until next year!"

I looked down, "I actually have plans with Niall."

He furrowed his eyebrows together. "You always have plans with Niall,"

"I know, it's just he's my bestfriend and I just want to spend as much time with him as I can before I tell him-"

"Tell him what?" Harry interrupted me.

I swallowed hard. "Before I tell him, about us..."

"You're gonna tell him?"

"Well yeah, he's my best friend he deserves to know Harry, unless there's a reason why I shouldn't tell him?" I pressed him.

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