Chapter 20

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"Do you see that?" Harry pointed behind me.

"Where?" I whipped my head around to see what he was pointing at.

"Right here!" He leaned across the bed and kissed my cheek with so much forced, he pushed me down.

"Harry!" I squealed and tried to push him off, but he kept planting kisses all over my face. "Stop!" I giggled.

"Sorry I just can't help but kiss you every time I'm with you," he said between each kiss he left on my cheeks.

"Stooooooop," I whined. Harry pulled back and left a quick kiss on my lips before lying down next to me. He opened his arms and scooped one around me, pulling me closer to him.

"You're very cuddly tonight," I teased while I placed my head on his chest.

He looked down on me, "Sorry, would you rather I just be a mean boyfriend and not touch you or kiss you?"

"No, the kisses are fine," I replied back with a kiss of my own on his cheek.

It's been a week since I've told Niall and Harry's told Lily about us. At first Niall didn't take it so well. He was extremely upset but just told me it's only because he didn't want me getting hurt. Harry told me Lily didn't take it well either, but that she would get over it. He hasn't said much about her, if she's contacted him, but I didn't want to ask. I was afraid it would be a sore subject with him and I didn't want to upset him. He told her, and that's all I could ask for.

So that night, the night we told our best friends about each other, I went over to his house and we hung out like always. The power went out, again, due to our crapy weather we've been having recently. But we were prepared for it this time, and I didn't scream at the top of my lungs.

We lit candles everywhere and tried our best to light up the house. Due to the power being out, it was also freezing cold, so Harry and I took a bunch of blankets out of the closets and off the couches and bed and made a fort.

We lied in that fort for what seemed like hours upon hours, but it was probably on two.

And although we did nothing, it always felt like something. I never got bored, or wanted to leave. I liked sitting there in the dark with Harry; listening to his stories or learning new things about each other or even just lying there being wrapped up in one another.

It happened when I asked him about his relationship with Kayla. I wanted to know what she did, or didn't do, so I would make sure to do things differently so he wouldn't be constantly reminded of her.

He said; "Kayla and I were one hell of a couple. Even though we were so young it felt so real. And I think that's the best kind of love; young love. It's so genuine. It makes you feel invincible, like you two can conquer the whole world together. But losing her made me feel like the world conquered me. I thought I could never find a love again, or have the feelings I had for her for someone else. But you changed that, Camilla." He grabbed my hand and intertwined his long fingers with mine, and kissed the back of my hand. "And I'm so grateful for that," he whispered.

I looked up at him, and kissed him long, but softly on his cherry lips. And I loved the feeling of kissing him, it never got old. It was like the first kiss all over again. And once I pulled back, that's when it happened. That's when Harry asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Let's make this real, Millie," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You and I. I want this to be the real deal. You make me feel so alive, and I know it may have happened fast but it happened. I can't go a single minute without thinking about you, I can't go a single minute without wanting to kiss you, and I can't go a single minute without you being my girlfriend."

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