Chapter 11

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She walked in through those doors., looking striking as always. But more devilish, because that's what she was suppose to be tonight. A devil.

Someone who taunts you. Someone whose evil. Someone who makes your life a living hell. And that's what I felt. Taunted, because I couldn't have her. She was evil, with that smile of hers. She made my life hell, because she drove me crazy.

Crazy because I knew her heart was somewhere else. I knew her heart was somewhere else as soon as she walked in through the apartment door, she was searching. But not for me. For someone who truly was a devil, a demon, upon her fragile heart.

Millie used to be just a girl to me. A girl I saw in school. I would see her with her friends and that douche of a boyfriend she used to have, but she always so happy. Always smiling. Like nothing was wrong in the world. And I guess that's what I admired about her. Admired from afar that is.

Until Lily told me all those things about her. Things that changed my perspective. My admiration became hatred for her. I hated her for what she did to my friend.

But, I shouldn't have judged her from what my friend had said with out even knowing her.

When Millie became my tutor, I dreaded going. I didn't want this, so called horrible person, to tutor to me. I didn't want to be friends with her, I didn't need her as friend. I had Lily now, and Zayn, my step brother.

But as tutoring went on, I came to see that Millie wasn't this horrible person Lily made her out to be. Millie just wanted what was best for everyone, she wanted for everyone to be happy.

That day we went on a walk, was the day I knew there was something about Millie that intrigued me. She didn't know me that well. I mean sure we had tutoring sessions and we were some what friends, but she didn't know me well enough to go on a walk with me, to God knows where. But she put her trust in me. I guess that's what made her so desirable. She wanted to believe the good in people.

That day I took her to that spot, the spot where...Kayla and I used to go. I've never taken anyone else to that spot in the woods, but Millie was the first. I don't know why I took her there, it was almost like something, or someone, led me to. And that day was the day that I realized my heart would start to feel a little sense of want towards Millie Marsh. Something just drew me towards her.

"Man, who are you staring at?" Zayn pulled my attention away from Millie.

"Oh, one." I ran my hand through my hair. Zayn looked over to where I was staring and let out a chuckle.

We were at his girlfriend's, Perrie, Halloween party. She was older than him but I guess that's what Zayn liked. Everyone was told to dress up, but I felt childish doing so. So Zayn and I showed up in our normal clothes, we got some stares, but I'd rather not embarrass myself by wearing some ridiculous outfit.

"Harry," he placed his hand on my shoulder, "just go talk to her."

I shake my head. "She didn't come for me. She probably forgot I was even here."

"Who cares?" Zayn throws his hands in the air. "You think I got Perrie by standing around, not talking to her? That's not how it works mate, you have to talk to her."

"I don't know..." I put my head down.

"Well, it looks like it's too late." Zayn points over at Millie, whose talking to some guy in a batman costume. "Sorry mate." He pats my back and walks off, leaving me standing there.

My eyes are set on Millie, as she flirts with this guy. And I can't even deny that some jealousy starts to spread in my chest. I watch her every move, as she places her hand on "batmans" arm. But I notice she keeps looking at something, my eyes follow her gaze. She keeps looking at Drew. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

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