Chapter 33 - It's a new date, it's a new dawn

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"Ezra, is everything okay?" The young woman asked worriedly as she stepped into her friend's apartment.

"Yeah, it's not me, it's Jeanine..."

"Oh. Is it about Colin again?"

"Yeah. It's pretty bad this time."

Lilith thought for a moment, and remembered. "It's been a year today, day for day." 

Ezra silently nodded. She turned around and led her friend through the corridor to the living room, where a young woman was sobbing on the couch.

Jeanine was a friend of Ezra and Lilith from university. Her fiancé had left her and, being an emotive person, she had been broken ever since. Lilith took a seat next to her friend on the sofa, and gently rubbed her back.

"It's going to be okay, Jay..."

Jeanine only started to sob even harder, her entire frame shaking. Lilith frowned, worried.

"Do you want anything? Maybe some ice-cream?" The medical examiner asked softly.

"Yeah..." She choked out.

"Okay, I'll go and get some in the kitchen. And I'll bring out the Pride and Prejudice dvd. The 90's version, with Colin Firth, okay?"

Jeanine simply nodded, her face still buried in her hands. Lilith got up, and made her way to the kitchen. Ezra followed her in, and closed the door behind them. 

"Listen, Lil... this has been going on for too long now."

"She's been hurt, you know..."

"Yes, sure, but it's been a year now. She needs help to move on." Ezra replied firmly.

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Lilith paused, as she opened a drawer. "But how do you plan on doing that, exactly?"

"Well, we could set her up on a date, you know."

"Okay..?" Lilith frowned, slightly suspicious of her friend's intentions.

"I'm not sure about dating websites, and I'm gay, so I don't really have many straight male friends. I know it's shallow, but like-"

"Ezra, what are you insinuating?"

"Well, maybe...we could set her up on a date with one of your friends?"

"Wow...okay, wait what-" Lilith stood still, confused.

"What about your colleague, Jonathan? He's cute, in a 'I-like-to-poke-dead-bodies-with-a-scalpel-for-my-career' kind of way."

"First of all, I'd like to remind that 'poking dead bodies with a scalpel' is also my career." She chuckled, pretending to be offended. "And also, Jonathan? He's married, you know."

"Oh thank god, that guy kind of creeps me out. I don't know how I could have left him with Jay." Ezra paused and thought for a moment. "What about Thomas, your cousin?"

"He has a girlfriend."

"And your college ex-boyfriend, Luke? You guys are still friends right? He's cute."

"Hum, yeah, about that. He's gay. I just covered for him for a bit."

"Gosh Lilith. WHY are you so nice." Ezra facepalmed before looking up, hit with realization. "Wait. You've been getting closer to the BAU, right? Any good looking men there?"

"Well, I mean, there's Derek, but I don't know if he's the relationship kind of guy..."

"What about Spencer?" Ezra asked suddenly.

Lilith felt a weird jolt in her chest.

"Uhm, well, I mean..."

"I know you guys are super close and all, but like there's nothing going on between the two of you, right?"

"I - It's... No, there's nothing." After all, it was true. She never really thought of herself being romantically involved with Spencer.

"So, it's okay if we set her up on a date with him?"

"Uh, yeah, of course!" She replied quickly, with a slightly uncomfortable smile.

"Okay, then now we just have to convince Jeanine!"

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