Chapter 5 - No Clues

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"It's impossible to find anything on them... it's as if they were untraceable."

The team was sat around their usual table, discussing their discoveries.

"Is it possible they were under witness protection?"

"No, nothing indicates it." JJ answered.

"They could have changed their names." Rossi suggested.

"Yes, Garcia's currently digging to find more information."

Aaron Hotchner turned to the other pair of agents.
"So, Morgan, Reid, what did you guys find at the M.E's?"

"Something quite important. Our unsub appears to actually be unsubs. Two men and a woman, presumably." Spencer rushed to say the words.

"A group?" Hotch asked. He looked thoughtful for a moment, and nodded.
"That would make sense." He agreed with the pair of agents.
"We should probably start providing a profile for each of these unsubs."

"Well, there's definitely a leader, which is our first man. He'd be the more sociopathic, manipulating one of the bunch." Spencer started.

Prentiss followed closely, "Then, the woman would represent the wilder, more agressive side among them. She is probably psychotic, and has been off her treatment for some time, that is if she's had any."

"And finally, we have our third man. Reid and I see him as the more reserved side of the group. It looks like he was forced by the other two in their killings."

As the meeting came to an end, Hotch told the rest of the team to get back to their place. It was getting late, they had no clues and there was no use in having exhausted profilers work the case.


Her eyes were slowly closing, but she forced herself to stay awake.
Missing her train stop would be unfortunate, as the means of transportation were weeding out at this time of the night.

The train halted, and the doors opened. Most people stepped down the vehicle, although she caught someone in the corner of her eye trying to get in.

As soon as he saw her, he gave her a weak wave, probably too shy to initiate a conversation. Lilith decided to take the matters into her own hands and walked up to the young doctor.

"And so, we meet again." She grinned at him, as he gave her a timid smile.


"Did you guys work the case?" She asked immediately, curious.

"Yeah, but we don't have too many leads for the moment." He paused, and added, "Thank you by the way. Your help was crucial."

Lilith felt her smile grow bigger, flattered.

"Just a question, if it's not too impolite...but how old are you?" He asked, his voice low.

"I'm 24."

"Oh, okay. I thought you looked a bit young to be a forensic pathologist."

The young woman tucked a strand of her charcoal hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, I started university quite young. But not as young as you, I presume. After all, you needed time to complete your PhD. What are you, 30?"

"I'm 29 actually, but good guess. I started university at 12 and have 3 PhD's." He paused before asking, "How did you know I had a doctorate? I could have been a medical doctor for all you knew."

"A doctor wouldn't have asked as many questions as you did in the operating room." She gave him a devilish smirk.

Spencer pretended to be offended. "I would like to inform you that I have enough knowledge to be a medical doctor. I simply chose not to as it didn't bring anything to my career." He gave her an equally cunning smile.

"Right. And I have enough knowledge to have PhD's in Maths, physics and engineering, and yet I chose not to." Lilith laughed and walked toward the open doors of the train. She gave him a last glance, knowing it might be the last time she saw him.

"My stop. Goodbye, Doc."

She stepped onto the platform, leaving an astonished Spencer Reid behind the doors.

How the hell did she know about his PhD's?

Coffee, Tea //  Spencer ReidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin