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"Oh fuck, that was amazing...", Victor panted as he leaned back, laying his head on the pillow, his hair sticking to his forehead. Yuuri chuckled as he slipped their boxers back on and leaned down to leave a sweet kiss on his lovers lips. Victor hummed softly as he kissed back, his hands moving slightly in the handcuffs that held him to the back of the bed. "Yuuuuuurrrriiii...", Victor whined softly, looking at his husband with a pout. "Why did you have to put our boxers back on? You know how much I enjoy looking at your body...", he sighed dramatically. A small look crossed Yuuris face as he crossed his arms and sat up. "Vitya, we both know you thoroughly enjoy looking at my ass, is that why you wanted them off?", Victor quickly nodded, too tired to defend his dignity and keep his thoughts to himself. Yuuri sighed and slipped his own back off before laying down next to him, laying his head on his chest and holding Victor close. "Mmm, Yuuuurrriiiii!!!! Uncuff me so I can hold youuuuuuu!!!", he whined and pouted again. "If I do that youll just flip me over and have at me yourself!", Yuuri shot him an accusatory look, which Victor responded with a small smirk. "Perhaps I would have, but now that I am at your mercy I may just behave myself now.", A small snort left the smaller man. "You? Behaving yourself around a naked me? Thats very unlikely and we both know it.", He smirked up at Victor, he simply shrugged and held his hands up slightly. "But seriously love, please uncuff me I need to hold you, my arms are beginning to hurt and feel empty...", he frowned and Yuuri nodded, he sat up and pressed a kiss to the others cheek before he stood up.

He walked over to the dresser and searched for a minute before freezing. "Uhm... Victor?", he blushed and slightly turned to him. "Hm? Yes love?", his tone was sweet as he perked up, but his happy expression soon turned to one of concern when his husband didnt answer him. "Shit..." They both said simultaneously. "Please dont tell me you forgot where you put the keys...", Victor pouted and Yuuri hid his face. "Oh god Victor im so sorry!", he gulped nervously and Victor bit his lip. "Ah it's fine love, nothing to worry about, Im sure its here somewhere just try to look around some more, we'll be fine!" He tried to comfort his husband from afar, he shyly nodded and began looking around. After about 10 minutes there was still no luck, Yuuri began to panic again, he quickly went to grab his phone and began typing something. "Love I dont think now is the best time to be checking instagram or-", "Im looking up how to pick a lock.", Victor shut his mouth and nodded. "Do you have any bobby pins?", he asked, Victor thought for a minute before shaking his head no. "Shit..." Yuuri set his phone on the side table before sitting down again on the bed. He sighed and hid his face again, small tears now forming in his eyes, he sniffled. "O-oh now love, please dont cry, its ok! These things happen alot more often than you think... Didn't chris give us these?", he asked and Yuuri nodded. "Ah! Why dont you ask Chris if he has a spare? I know he always brings cuffs with him when he comes to competitions~", Yuuri perked up and turned to him with a 'did you really just say that?' Face. "And how do you know this? Victor.", he cautioned, crossing his arms. Victor smiled nervously and bit his lip. "He shared alot of things with me in the past, you know how he is...", Yuuri nodded suspiciously before reaching over and grabbing his phone once again.

Yuuri: chris? Hey its Yuuri K, do you have a moment?

Chris: always for my best friends dearest~

Yuuri: yea... Uhm.. So those cuffs you gave us

Chris: oh? How did they work?

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