Patience (Victuuri smut)

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Oh boy... *sweat*

"V-Victor...", Yuuri trembled as he felt a warm tongue glide up his neck. "S-stop teasing..." He pleaded, a low chuckle came from the Russian man just above him. "Ssshhh... Yuuri... Let me do what I need to make you feel amazing...", He mumbled before nibbling gently on the smaller mans neck, causing him to let out adorable little sounds and squirm. This was always Victors favorite part, the teasing, making his beloved so vulnerable to him, so willing to please. They had done this plenty of times before and had an understanding of what they both liked and what they could or could not do. At first glance, you wouldn't expect Yuuri to be the type to enjoy these sorts of things, but if he were being honest with himself; he craved this kind of attention from Victor. A soft and quiet moan left Yuuris mouth, a shiver being sent up Victors spine he pulled away to look at his partner. "Yuuri... Do you want me to grab the things?", he asked quietly, pressing soft kisses to Yuuris neck, jaw and cheeks. He caressed the back of the others neck as he listened to his light but shakey breathing. "Sure, go ahead... Just go easy this time, you really did a number on me a few nights ago..." A pang of guilt hit him and he frowned, gently pressing a kiss to the Japaneese mans lips. "Sorry my love, you're just so irresistible its hard to contain myself around you... You know..." He reached down and cupped the others ass.

"Everything about you is simply perfect...", this made Yuuri light up, bright red added beautiful contrast to his pale face. "Tell me more." Yuuri commanded and a hearty chuckle left Victor. "You really love the attention and the praise dont you, my little piggy~", he rubbed under his chin as he held him close and cleared his throat. "Where shall I start... Well... Your soft hair is perfect for tugging, you know you love when i pull on it... Your eyes are dark and sexy, and I melt when you shoot me your sultry looks.", He glared at Yuuri intently, causing the other one to stare back with said sultry look. "And your lips... They're so pretty when im done kissing the life out of you, all red and swollen... Or when theyre covered in drool giving them a beautiful shine... They work so well for so many things Yuuri~" Yuuri shivered and bit his lip in response, tilting his head to the side. "Your shoulders...", Victor ran a hand aross them, "And your collar bones." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to it. "They're both very sexy and strong, but still having that femenine touch makes me crazy for you... Your beautiful pale skin, your big eyes, your soft little lips, your adorable nose... All make you irresistible... I am so lucky to be able to call you mine..." He grabbed Yuuris hand and pressed a loving kiss to it. Yuuri giggled and blushed "Victorrrr... Youre being a sap now~", He stated and Victor chuckled before reaching down and grabbing tthe others ass once again. "I was getting back into it darling, you need to learn patience... Who knows i may just stop." Yuuri laughed again "Thats so rich, coming from you, Mr. Nikiforov ", he added emphasis to the nickname which caused Victor to gasp and make a small noise.

He gently moved to palm Yuuri through his boxers, his... Package... Quite obvious. In a matter of seconds, the beautiful woman that had seduced the playboy, the pure Eros, melted into something akin to a needy dog. Victor hummed pleased as he lowered Yuuri onto the bed, watching him blush and squirm as if he'd never been touched before and now craved it. He sat up and moved off the bed. "Stay put, my little piglet~ I will be right back... Behave yourself." He commanded before he left the room. Yuuri was now all alone, hot and bothered, needy... But he wasn't a brat, he simply wasn't that sort of person. He behaved when he was asked to, besides, he'd do absolutely anything for Victor. They were in love after all, tonight was just different from their usual antics. Yuuri was the type to dominate from the bottom, get what he wanted when he wanted it, if he deserved it and he made extra effort to stay in that zone. He was tempted earlier to flip Victor over and fuck him senseless for once but he concluded that will have to wait another time... Tonight, he was on Victors lustful menu. A few moments later Victor returned with a small bag, a small ping of nervousness came from deep within the younger man. He had a general idea of the contents within the bag but he could never be sure, these objects were totally foreign to him, he had never used them. Victor beckoned him over with a finger and he obediently crawled over,gently peering over the top of the bag... He gasped when he saw several items he never thought hed come even anywhere close to being in contact with.

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