Sit still

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"Oh my god, sit still!"

Yurio groaned as he jerked his head to the side, causing Otabek to sigh. "Why are you not cooperating with me today huh?", Otabek asked with a small pout. Yurio stayed quiet as he crossed his arms and scooted to the side. Otabek had been trying to style his hair for an hour now in preperation for a photoshoot he had needed to do. "Yura, you need to be ready in... 45 minutes! Why are you being so stubborn? You love getting your hair played with..." Yurio rolled his eyes and finally glared back at him. "I didn't want to do this shit in the first place, and Im hungry.", he spat and turned away. Otabek sighed again while smacking his palm against his forehead. "Why didnt you tell me sooner...?", he asked, setting down the brush and wrapping his arms around his waist. Yurio blushed but kept an angry face. "Because you said you needed quiet so you could focus!", he replied with a sarcastic and annoyed tone. Otabek grunted and held him tighter. "You know you could have told me though, can I get you anything?" He asked, pressing a small kiss to his temple. "Yea, food.", Yurio stated simply, turning his head up like a stuck up cat. "How does a salad sound?" , "Blech. Id rather have Katsudons nail clippings.", he curled into the Kazakhs touch a little. A small quiet laugh came from him causing yurio to blush more. "Haha, ew, I dont think you actually want that... But I understand, its not the best but you've got a photoshoot so... Best to have something light." He combed a hand through his blonde hair, pulling a little hum from the Ice tiger. He nodded slightly and sat forward as Otabek let him go and stood up. "Wait Beka?", he looked up at him, a small glimmer in his eyes. "Can I come with you?", he asked when he was acknowledged. The taller man nodded slightly and turned around, he suddenly lifted him up causing him to shreik. "OI, WAIT, PUT ME DOWN THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!", He squirmed but Otabek ignored him, used to his usual antics.

A few moments of carrying a screaming squirming Yurio later, Otabek finally set him down in a chair. Yurio huffed and crossed his arms angrily. "Dont do that again Otabek." He turned away from him and Otabek just grunted, brushing his comment off as nothing more than his typical attitude poking its head through. "What do you want in your salad Yura?", he said while bringing out a bowl. Yurio sighed and looked away, contemplating what he wanted. "Just a normal Caesar salad?", he asked and Otabek nodded. After a few minutes Yurio grew bored... He suddenly sat up and moved to the counter behind Otabek. The Kazahk turned his head to see Yurio sitting on the counter, legs swinging and hair still wild. He stopped and turned around and walked over to him gently picking him up again. "Hey!! Put me down I wasnt doing anything wrong!", he protested and Otabek kissed him, he squeaked a bit but kissed back eventually, wrapping his arms aroumd the others neck, all of a sudden he was dropped and he yelped again. "Sorry kitten, I need the counter free of cat hair so I can make your food...", Yurio stared at him, mouth agape, he struggled to find words and ended up just hissing instead causing Otabek to laugh as he walked away. "Im not a cat!!", he screamed and pouted as he turned over, Otabek just rolled his eyes and went on to finish it. He returned to the couch and tapped the smaller boys shoulder. He turned and sat up, yanking the other down. "Perfect, now feed it to me." , "What?" Otabek was taken aback as he heard the words fall out of Yurios mouth. "You heard me, feed me, Im important, I deserve it you know...", a few seconds later Otabek snorted and took the fork he had in the bowl and picked up some of the salad with it. "You, Yuri Plisetsky... Are spoiled rotten and a brat...", He moved his hand to tilt Yuris chin up. "But I love you, open up", Yurio opened his mouth and Otabek fed him. 

This continued until there was only a bit left. Otabek turned on his phone and looked at the time, he set the bowl down and grabbed Yurios hand again. "Cmon, youve got 30 minutes to be ready, now just sit still and we should get there on ti-" , "No." .... Otabek froze and sighed. "What do you want now, Yura?", Yurio quickly moved to his lap, unexpectedly and causing Otabek to blush. "I wanna make out.", he stated simply and Otabek groaned. "Now? Baby can't it wait until were done with your shoot?", he asked and Yuri shook his head. "I want to sport a nice love mark... Yknow, for the fans!", he said with his hands in the air, Otabek pulled him back down and shook his head. Yuri sighed defeated and grumbled. "Why not Beka...?", he asked with a pout and Otabek pulled him closer. "Because, they will go nuts about this, and others will eventually find out... Besides, when youre done we dont have to rush but if we did now we'd be in a hurry to get it over with... So I'd suggest being patient and behaving yourself like a good little kitten hm?", he rubbed under his chin gently and smiled sweetly. Yurio blushed but nodded, gently lowering himself to give Otabek a sweet kiss. "Fine, but im not a cat...", Otabek chuckled and sat up and walked over to the chair again. "Ill make you look fantastic, ok? We can always mess it up later if you dont like it...", Yuri walked over and sat in the chair with a triumphant smirk. "Alright... Ill behave for now, just for you...", he grumbled a bit and the Kazakh man smiled, he pecked the top of his head as a silent thank you and began to work at the long blonde hairs again. About 20 minutes later he was done with his masterpiece, beautiful braidwork framed Yuris face perfectly. A few strings of hair fell in his face that were curled to make them an accent to his already beautiful features. Otabek stared in amazement at his beautiful boyfriend, captured by his piercing gaze. Finally Yurio spoke up. "Well, can I see? Clearly it either a disater or amazing given the look you have stuck on your face, Otabek smiled and handed him a mirror to allow him to look, he smiled, seemingly pleased.

"You know... It was hard sitting still for so long, but Id say it was worth it... I love it, thank you...", he looked up at his boyfriend amd their lips met in a soft embrace, eventually they stood up and walked out the door, on their way to show the world how amazing Yuri Plisetsky looked in braids.

Well that was cute!

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