Chapter 14

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Katie looked at Casey and Callum, her mind filling with possibilities.
"Callum, you can be on lookout. Just climb up a tree and call out to make him come to us. Casey can hide and spring out. As long as Casey can disarm Leonardo then the bait, Cody and I, will be safe," Katie said. Callum nodded in agreement, his mind already thinking of the best ways to call for Leo. Casey paled a little.
"I can't disarm Leonardo. He is physically stronger and taller than me," Casey pointed out.
"But Leo is cocky, he thinks that he can win, but you can outsmart him," Katie replied.
"I'll do it," Casey replied. The group raced to the woods, Katie taking the lead. Callum climbed up a tree, Casey climbing into one nearby. Katie grabbed Cody's hand and hugged him.
"I'm scared Cody," Katie whispered into Cody's ear.
"Don't be scared Katie. I am here and I always will be," Cody whispered back. He stroked her hair with his free hand and smiled. There were sirens in the distance, blue lights down towards the town.
"Someone found his body," Katie smiled sadly. Katie let go of Cody's hand and watched the leaves in the trees. Callum moved around and gazed down.
"He's coming!" Callum shouted. Leonardo arrived swiftly, as if he was a shadow, making his way over to Katie and Cody. Katie whimpered a little, waiting for Casey to jump down from his perch. Leo stared at Katie, his eyes wild as he saw that it was not his younger brother stood with her. Casey sprang out of his hiding spot, knocking Leo back a few steps.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Church," Leo snarled as he grabbed Casey by the wrists and threw him off. Casey planted his feet into the ground and glared at Leonardo.
"Don't lay a finger on my sister," Casey snapped back.
"She isn't your sister. She is my sister, my property and I can do what I want to do to her. No one can take that away from me," Leo growled. Cody jumped to his older brother's defence, already seeing what Leo was planning to do. Cody pulled Leo's arm out and took the 6-inch knife from out of the sleeve of Leonardo's jacket.
"Katie is not personal property, she is a free person, allowed to follow her own wishes, not the dreams of a sick bastard like you," Cody grinned as he threw the knife into the thicket. Callum jumped from his perch and landed in front of Leonardo. He was confused, a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. Katie stepped forwards.

"You killed your mother, you killed your twin and you were planning to kill off your younger brother. Mikey is recovering from asthma, something that could have killed him. You wanted him dead. That is why you didn't supply him with any asthma pumps. You were hoping that an attack would kill him off. The blood wouldn't necessarily be on your hands. If Micheal and I didn't witness you murder, then you could have buried the body, hidden the weapon, claimed that Lorenzo went missing and when they finally found the body, earn all of the insurance money. You are quite clever Leonardo Cooper, but you just couldn't outsmart a 15-year-old girl, could you?" Katie taunted.
"What would I earn from killing Max Church?" Leonardo asked, panic showing through his stony mask. Casey had moved, waiting for Katie's planned distraction, Callum had completely disappeared.

"That was the hardest one. With your mother and father out of the picture, you were shunned as man of the house. Lorenzo was the elder twin really, but you beat him into doing your bidding. You manipulated him into acting out your deeds. You wrote the letter about wanting me back. Considering that Lorenzo was left-handed, the lack of smudges meant that you wrote the letter, being the only right-handed person in your mini family. Lorenzo would argue that I should be left where I was, you would argue otherwise. At some point, you became violent, lashing out against Lorenzo. That explains the bruises and scratches I would see on his arms. You could gain custody of me through blackmailing Max Church. In your sexist views, a woman has no power after her father or husband is gone. You would just have to manipulate Jennifer Church into believing that you would be better off with me. You met up with her on the 6th May 1987, a few days ago, and blackmailed her using her husbands death, claiming that her sons would be next. You would have had the perfect crime, the perfect alibi, but you were too reckless into putting your plan into action," Katie concluded. Leo bit his lip, cursing under his breath at everything that had gone wrong with his seemingly perfect plan. That was when Casey struck. He pounced, pushing Leo to the ground and pinning him there. Callum had ran to the nearest place for help and the police were just pulling up to arrest Leo. It was all fine until Leo pulled out his last resort, a serrated blade, and pushed it into Casey's side.

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