Chapter 1

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The green liquid seeped through the cracks in the rocks, the small glass container made a chink as it smashed; the thump as the body landed in the leaves. The well-groomed owner of the Village's car garage had disappeared, leaving his three sons and only daughter behind. The siblings had never known their father after he had disappeared when they were 4/5. The man took his last rattling breath, his usually well-kept red hair laced with dirt and debris. The shadows seemed to engulf Mr Church's body, the wildlife fell silent, only the sound of the breeze rustling in the leaves.


A sharp knock on the door awoke Katie from her slumber. She sprang out of her bed and pulled her bedsheets over.
"I'm awake mother," Katie called through the door as she started pulling on her school uniform.
"Well hurry up Katie or you and Callum shall miss the bus," Her mother chided as she walked away. Katie rolled her eyes as she put on a red tartan skirt, white blouse, black tights and her black blazer. Throwing her books into her backpack, Katie yanked open her bedroom door and slid down the banisters. Picking up an apple, Katie was ushered from the kitchen by her mother. Callum emerged from his room wearing black trousers, a white shirt, a black blazer and a red and black tie. The large mahogany front doors opened, bringing a gust of the summer breeze. Callum and Katie ran from the main hall and into the front yard where Micheal was duly waiting for them.
"Hello you two," Micheal grinned as he ruffled Callum's hair.
"Hey Mikey," Katie laughed at her brother's scowl. The trio walked to the bus stop and jumped on.
"Morning Mr Butler," Katie smiled at the ebony driver.
"Come on Miss Church," grinned Jack Harper, the conductor of the bus.
"Yes, we wouldn't want you to be late," Stan Butler smiled as the bus started moving. Katie sat next to Micheal and pulled out a book.
"Doesn't Cody have to come to school?" Micheal asked.
"No, Cody was ill last night so mum left him in his room and Casey goes to college," Katie replied. Micheal nodded as Callum walked up the stairs. The journey spent in silence.

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