Chapter 12

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The siblings abandoned the Stark family, Katie smiling sadly at her boyfriend. She looked into Leonard's eyes and instantly wished that she hadn't. Instead of her kind-hearted brother, she saw a monster. She knew that Leonardo was cleverer than Lorenzo, but that simply got her brain ticking as she thought back to the letter. 'Hand back what is not rightfully yours'. Katie stopped, earning looks from the others.
"You're the murderer," Katie whispered, the evidence building up in her head. Leonardo and Lorenzo are her rightful guardians, not the Church's. The letter was hand written, and judging by the lack of smudging, the writer was right handed. The poison was cyanide and Mikey was yet to test the poison. Katie had seen Lorenzo write, he was a lefty, just like her and Micheal. Leo was right handed. What really set the evidence in motion was a tiny hair strand stuck on the envelope. It was brown.
"What was that Katie?" Leonardo asked. Katie had never been sure of Leo's motives. Lorenzo had always been an open book.
"It was you!" Katie yelled, snapping her hand away from her elder brother. What happened next shocked Katie. Leonardo pulled out a knife and sliced it across his twin's throat. Lorenzo's eyes widened as the life slowly drained from him. Micheal launched himself towards Katie, knowing that there was nothing that he could do for Lorenzo. Leo ran into the woods, leaving the knife on the ground. Lorenzo had collapsed, the light draining quickly from his eyes. Katie bolted over to him, adrenaline fuelling her. She grasped his hand and he lightly squeezed hers before going limp. Katie watched the scarlet pool of blood gather around Lorenzo's head and neck. His once vibrant blonde hair now ashen and tainted red. Tears dropped onto Lorenzo's face, but they were not her own. Micheal was knealt next to her, crying over the loss of their brother. Katie stood up and stared at her bloodied hands. She wiped off the blood onto her skirt and looked up at the twilit sky. Katie took another look at the body before a strange glow came from his chest. A ghostly figure of Lorenzo stood up and smiled, the feet still in the chest.
"I will always be with you. Please avenge me," the ghost echoed. Katie nodded and the ghost disappeared. Micheal stood up and looked in the direction that Leonardo ran in.
"He has 2 names to his death list. 1 more and he classes as a serial killer," Katie said.
"And we will avenge Lorenzo," Micheal agreed.
"I just know of 3 guys who can help up," Katie grinned.

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