Chapter 3

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Micheal listened to his brothers arguing. Some nights he felt the urge to slap them, but he restrained himself. The problem was that it was 3am according to his watch, with school in a few hours. Micheal dragged himself out of bed and pulled on his uniform on the dark. He picked up a book and started to read.

"Micheal! Are you awake!?" Leo shouted through the door at 6am. 
"No I'm not," Micheal replied sarcastically.
"Stop with the attitude kid," Leo retalliated.
"Whatever Lame-o-nardo," Micheal sighed.
"I expect you downstairs for breakfast in five minutes, no excuses."
Micheal opened the bedroom door and glared at Leo. Micheal pushed past Leo and went into the kitchen, putting bread in the toaster and got the marmalade out of the pantry.
"Hurry up and get to school," Lorenzo snapped at Micheal. Mikey picked up his bag and walked out. He walked towards the bus stop and straight into Mrs Church.
"Sorry Ma'am," Micheal said sheepishly.
"Mikey, just call me Jennifer," Mrs Church smiled as she looked around nervously.
"Okay, Jennifer, what brings you down here so early?" Micheal asked the brunette woman.
"No reason. I'm just taking a walk," Mrs Church said erratically. Micheal grew a little suspicious and made a mental note to record it in his journal.
"I hope you have a good walk and I shall see you later Mrs Church," Micheal said politely as he walked away. Micheal jumped on the bus and paid his ticket to get to Katie's home. As Mikey sat down, he pulled a black leather-bound journal from his school bag and a pen. He wrote down everything about the disappearance of Mr Church, the latest update was the behaviour of Mrs Church. Surely Mrs Church didn't kill her own husband. Micheal thought as he noted down the possibilities of poisons used to kill Mr Church. Most officers would jump to Cyanide or Arsenic and overlook simplistic toxic berries like Atropa Belladonna. Micheal shoved his journal back in his bag and got off the bus, looking at the well manicured garden that belongs to the Church family. Micheal cautiously walked up to the mahogany front door and knocked. The blonde hair and green eyes girl answered the door.
"Hey Mikey," Katie yawned.
"Hey Katie, are you ready for school?" Micheal asked.
"What are you talking about?" Katie questioned.
"We have school," Mikey explained.
"It's Saturday you idiot," Katie laughed. She was wearing a pair of denim shorts, a flannel shirt and knee-high brown boots, her blonde hair hung down to her waist.
"Oh, I can't go home Katie," Mikey said as if he was pleading to come in.
"Fine, stay quiet and come in. Straight to my room before anyone sees you," she whispered. Micheal nodded and ran upstairs to Katie's bedroom, opening and closing the door silently. He expected to be met by a pink room but it was all blue and green. There was a bed pressed against the far wall, a wardrobe by the door, a desk under the window with a chair and an old stereo in the centre of the room. The door clicked closed as Katie entered.
"Looks good doesn't it?" Katie grinned as Micheal looked around.
"Better than my room," Micheal replied.
"I doubt it Mikey, you have your brothers to share with," Katie said.
"That's why I hate it so much. They are twins and they do nothing but argue with each other. It's driving me insane!" Micheal exclaimed as Katie put her hand over his mouth.
"Shut up Mike or my brothers will hear you," Katie whispered.
"Sorry. I saw your mother in town today," Micheal said nervously.
"Did you ask her why?" Katie asked with interest.
"She just said she was taking a walk," Micheal admitted.
"Maybe she went to get some bread as well," Katie suggested as she sat on her desk.
"Yeah. I just had a weird thought though," Micheal said.
"What kind of thought?"
"That I have another suspect for my list."
"Mikey, the police have it under control."
"They don't Katie. They are using you and your family as prime suspects. Especially your mother," Micheal stated.
"My mother couldn't hurt a fly," Katie scoffed.
"Well I suggest we investigate this case," Micheal replied.
"Yes, we should." The duo went into Katie's mothers bedroom and searched everywhere. Katie crawled under the bed and pulled out her father's old wooden box. Katie unhooked the latch and opened the box; closing it again she tapped on Micheal's shoulder.
"Mikey, to my bedroom," Katie urged as they left the room. Katie opened the box again and tipped the contents onto her bed. Katie sifted through the contents and looked at a bundle of letter tied with an elastic band. Katie opened the first letter.

Dear Mr Church,
                                This is the adoption centre. We have received a letter about you adoption of Katherine Church. We understand that you do not wish to give her back to her birth brothers however, we feel that Katherine will be better off with her biological family. We hope to hear a reply from you soon.
          Many thanks, 
                              London Adoption Centre

Katie's cheeks grew wet with tears as she sank to her knees and cried.
"Katie, what's wrong?" Micheal asked, concerned. Katie handed him the letter and he read it several times.
"I'm adopted," she cried.
"I'm so sorry Katie," Micheal said as he hugged Katie. Katie hugged him back, hiding her face in his shoulder.
"I want to read the rest," Katie decided.
"I just had a thought," Micheal said reluctantly.
"T-Tell m-me," Katie demanded in a shaky voice.
"Maybe Casey knows about this?" Micheal suggested.
"We need to ask him. Now!" Katie said stubbornly as she dried her eyes

Author's Note
Who saw the plot twist about Katie being adopted? Do you think Casey will reveal all he knows? Where is Katie's real family?  All shall be revealed in due time mah whittle beans. Stay active!!

Katie: has she gone?

Micheal: Deciphered_Cipher is strange

Casey: I'm not revealing. No spoilers kiddies

Katie: you know you want to.

Cody: we can let you suffer Katherine.

Katie: *triggered*  bye readers

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