Chapter 14~His Story

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Chapter Fourteen~His Story

I quickly ran over to him, bumping noses with him.  "Hi Fern." He murmured.

Carlos laughed, and nuzzled me back. He turned and gave Iggy a fierce stare. "Well, I don't like you, either, Mr. Wing-man."

Iggy snorted and drew himself up, opening his white wings and puffing out his chest. I quickly stood in front him, silencing him with a look.

"How about we just go? Make our way over to the fence? And on the way," I nodded at Carlos, "why don't you tell us what happened after I got taken?" I suggested. He nodded as we started walking.

"When you got taken, I was super scared, because I thought I was going to be trapped in my cage, because I figured Gary and the other humans were dead. So there was no way out, and I was going to run out of food and water eventually, right?" Iggy rolled his eyes. Carlos fixed him with a fierce stare. "Well, soon after you were gone, another alien came. A girl, and she took me and brought me to this huge house.

It was fun at the start, but then her husband, I think, showed up. He had this strange smell." Carlos narrowed his eyes in thought. Iggy and I gasped.

"T'Cap?" "Was his name T'Cap?" We both quickly asked Carlos. "I...I think so," he said carefully.

Iggy and I shared a significant look. "Then what happened?" Iggy asked. Carlos gave him a surprised look.

"Well, he brought home this dog. A dog I saw in the lab, actually." Carlos explained.

"Then he started doing stuff to me. Taking hairs, poking my ears and mouth all the time, taking out my claws..." he trailed off, shuddering. He shook his front paw, and I saw a claw was missing.  "Usually they just grow back, but this one didn't."

"Then the lady took me on this plane, with lots of different animals."

"Yeah, we were on that one too." I nodded.

"And then...I found you," I bumped noses with me again. Iggy growled and spread a wing over my back, leading me away. I gave him a confused look.

He sat down, facing away from Carlos. I sat down beside him.

"Are we sure we can trust Carlos?" He asked lowly. I hesitated. How did we know we could trust him?

I shook my head. "Let's worry about that later, please. Let's just find the fence and figure out how to get out."

Iggy sighed and stood up, stretching his back legs. He turned back to Carlos with a hard stare. Carlos returned it. I sighed and stepped between them. "Let's go." I said firmly.

Just as the sun was dipping in the horizon, we made it to the fence. I realized how fast I must have ran when we first got here; it took us at least an hour to get here walking, but only a few minutes when I was running. I marvelled at my speed.

We examined the fence, walking along the edge. We tried to dig under, but when you touch the fence, it gives you a shock. Iggy found that out when he was digging; now he's lying off to the side.

"Can't you just fly over?" Carlos demanded, glaring at Iggy. I nudged Carlos, giving him a stern look.

"I'm...too tired..." he said breathlessly. He closed his eyes for a few moments, before snapping them open again.

I went over and gently pushed him into a more comfortable position. "Sleep." I murmured. He closed his eyes gratefully.

I went over to Carlos and brushed his pelt with mine. "Hey," I murmured, "you okay?"

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