Chapter 2~The dog

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Chapter Two~The dog

I must have fainted in my shock, because I wake up to a blaring light in my face.

I groggily opened my eyes to see that I was in the same room, only the lights were on and my legs were free.

I slowly stood, only to fall flat on my face. I noticed a mirror on the wall, me not seeing it before since it was dark. Obviously it was a one way mirror, letting someone- or something- see in.

I tried to stand up again, more slowly. It worked! I walked around, getting used to the feeling of four legs. I stumbled often.

I walked the edge of the table. The door beside the mirror slowly opened, revealing a tall man in a white coat. His tag said; Gary.

Humans?!? Humans made me like this?!?
I just stared at him. I just could not believe it.

"Joe!" Gary called, "She's awake!"

"I am aware of that Gary, I have been watching her for sometime now." Said a deep male voice, right beside the door.

So I was right! The mirror was a one way mirror!

He  slowly walked towards me and I felt something deep and instinctual in my chest. I did something I didn't even know I could do.

I hisssed.

Well, cats do it. And I'm a cat.

Gary stopped and drew out a small pistol.

Ack! Is he going to shoot me?

My question was answered as he drew up the gun, aiming at me. I jumped and tried to run, but failed and fell on my face.

He moved the gun to where I fell and pulled the trigger, and I light click sounded. It felt like a mosquito bit me.

I turned my head to look at the wound.

Only there was no wound.

There was a small silver needle type of thing with red feathers at the end.

Oh, a sleeping dart. I'm not dead.

Then I realized that he shot me to make me sleep, so he could do who knows what with me.

I reached over and pulled at the dart with my teeth, trying to get it out.

I was to late; I could already feel the effects of the dart. My head drooped and my eyelids closed.


I woke up to the sound a deep growl.

I slowly opened my heavy eyes. I immediately shot backwards, as there was a giant dog in front of me.

When I was human, I always had a fear of dogs. Even tiny barking ones. I was always frightened by loud noises, like hand dryer, gun shot, loud barking, and I always hated automatic-toilets.

So standing here with this large dog growling, it just brought back memories. It also didn't help because of my cat instincts.

I realized that me and the dog were actually separated by some glass, reinforced by small bars.

I studied the dog. Now I could see the dog wasn't large, just being a cat made it look much larger. It was about medium, with shaggy brown and black fur, much like a husky. It had saggy ears and curly fur, just like a poodle.

Could always be a cross...

I got bored with staring at it and slowly turned to inspect my cage. I just had enough room to turn around, my ears brushing the top of the cage. There was no food, but there was that water bottle thing that your gerbils or hamster use. (I didn't even think it had a name.)

I had had not eaten since the day I was captured, however long ago that was. I wasn't even feeling that hungry, but my throat burned for water.

I took a step over to the water bottle and pressed the little ball inside the tube. Blissfully cool water ran down my throat.

I was reminded of the dogs presence when he barked. I slowly turned around, reluctantly leavening the water.

Just then I noticed the brown collar, blending right into the coat perfectly. The collar had a black leash attached, which lead to Gary. I just seemed to not like him, his attitude was just so boring.

He lifted a small walkie-talkie to his mouth: "She didn't react like the other." Other? There's another cat? "She seems fairly calm. Just got a drink."

I glanced at the dog and caught my reflection, I turned back to stare at myself.

I was beautiful, with deep, wide forest green eyes, and a bright sunset orange coat. My sides near my belly were a paler orange, with a white tuft on my chest. I flicked my tail and turned to inspect it. It was also orange, big surprise, right? It had white on the tip of the tail.

The dog barked again, waking me out of my trance.

Gary dragged him out of the room, and I had a chance of peace to look around the room without the dog glaring daggers at me.

My cage was sitting on the edge of a long, brown table, right in the middle of the room. The door is right in front of the table, a counter running all the way along the wall.

There was nothing on the table or the counter.

Since there was nothing to look at I decided to turn my attention on the cage, trying to figure out where the door is, and to see if I could figure out how to open the door or a latch or something. Even if I managed to open the door, which was unlikely, I wouldn't even be able to open the door. But if perhaps I was able to land on and push the doorknob, I would be able to escape the room, but that was even more unlikely then even getting out of the cage that I just ditched the whole idea of escaping and just decided to sleep.

I curled up in ball, and drifted off to sleep.

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