Chapter 4~Carlos

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Chapter Four~Carlos

He just sat and stared at me. And stared. And stared some more.

What do I even say to that? "So, you got turned into a cat too?"

"Can you speak?" He asked, tilting his head, "or...can you hear? I sure hope so. Other cats who where blind or deaf got put down. I'll be sad to see you go."



We could talk like this you know.

I jumped and slammed my head on the top of the cage from the male voice in my head.

Ow ow ow ow ow. What was that?

"Hmmmm... considering how you just reacted, I'm assuming your deaf. I could mind voice you, if you'd like," he sighed, "this is such a shame! A cat that finally looks good, but she's deaf!" He wailed, tossing his head up.

"Oh darn," he glanced back at Gary, he had hopped up on the edge of the counter, considering there's no were else to sit.

"Don't show any human intelligence, alright? They'll put you down," he advised, turning back towards me.

"Oh this is such a shame! I really like you!" He reached a paw through his wire mesh, trying to touch me.

I forgot that there's was glass protecting my from his paw; I jumped up, my lip curling.

"Whoah! Sorry," He said, not even sounding sorry.

He started to ramble on and on how he's so sorry, trying to calm me down. He obviously forgot that he thinks I'm deaf.

Ugh. You are so annoying! Shut up!

I finally lost my patience and snarled; "Shut the Freak up!"

That brought me up short. I, like, never say that to anyone.

Well, he deserved it! Assuming I'm deaf and everything. Ugh. Stupid males.

"Well, that was rude. With fur like yours I thought you'd be cute and cuddly. Eh. But I like your temper, kid. Fiery," he mused, standing up.

"You can't judge a cat by its fur. And I'm not a kid. I'm 21, and I'm only rude—sorry, Fiery—to people who deserve it,"I added, with a pointed look at him.

I stepped out of my cage, waiting for him to come out also.

He pranced out off his wall-without-a-wall and continued on talking.

"Oh. Well, that's not me! And I'm 21 too! What's your name? I'm Carlos! I'm so glad you can hear me! Did I already say I like your fur? Well, I like your fur! I'm so boring and dark. Can groom your fur?" He asked, prancing over to me with his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a dog.

"Ew!" I replied, "no! Get away!" I swiftly walked away, but continued talking. "Well, I like your fur."

I wistfully thought back to my own black cat; Louie.

Carlos and put his tongue back in his mouth and sat down, staring at me.


"Your name," he replied.

I hesitated for a split second; "Fern."

"Hm. Nice. But doesn't really go with your fur, does it? Kinda with your eyes, but still. I know! We could re-name you! I read a book about a cat named FireHeart! He was orange too! Well, then he got named leader so now he's FireStar, but you could be his daughter! Squirrelflight! That's cool too!" He rambled on about naming me.
(I just finished the book Dawn in Warriors guys!)

I laid my ears flat on my head, slowly walking towards the end of the table.

I got this a lot. People just didn't understand my name. My best friend Shelby has an old fashioned name. The only person she has met with the same name was a baby boy. She told me all about how her parents had three names they liked; Samantha, Lucy, and Shelby. She said she wouldn't have minded being named Samantha, but her parents didn't name her Lucy because that was too alike her twins name, Lucas.

A loud bling sounded throughout the room; Gary's phone. I looked back at him.

"Well, the timers gone!" He said, hopping down from the counter.

He suddenly lunged at me, grabbing my scruff.

He dragged me halfway to my cage before I sank my teeth into his wrist.

"Ha ha you little monster! I'm wearing gloves!" He sang in my ear.

I just sank my teeth in deeper, and I felt them connect with soft flesh.

"Ah! What the heck?!" He shook his arm till I came off. He then grabbed my scruff again, and, being wiser, held my head in place with his other hand.

He shoved me into my cage, pulling his hands back.

But not fast enough.

I spun myself around and bit into the already ripped glove.

He screamed in fear and pain and pulled me off, making the wound worse. He slammed the cage door shut.

Carlos must have snuck into his cage from all the commotion I had made. I noticed my cage was just as big as his now, with water and food, and no glass.

Carlos was silent as Joe poked his head through a crack in the door. Gary walked over to him and showed him the torn glove; talking in low voices.

Carlos is probably scared of me, I thought.

I tilted my head at him.

I just shrugged and curled up in a ball, exhausted.

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