Chapter 12-A Familiar Someone

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Chapter Twelve~A Familiar Someone

It could get worse. Much worse.

When Tazan said; "I can't trust you," He meant it. So when I tried running off again, he hooked a leash on my collar.

So now I look like an idiot. Look at me; a ginger pelt, a greyish collar, and a stupid leash!

I thought it couldn't get any worse. But it could.

I was mad. And hungry. So when I tried eating the mouse,  Tazan just made a "tsk" and threw the mouse in the trash.

Thankfully we didn't see anyone on our walk.

We soon came to an open field surrounded by gold-looking material chain link fences.

Trees were scattered around the field, some in small clumps, some standing solitary. Other aliens, some like Tazan, and others...well, other aliens much different were lounging in park and picnic benches. Along with the aliens, I saw the their pets, probably most of the ones I saw on the plane.

We came to a stop and Tazan turned and looked at the fence.

Why are we stopping? I thought, studying the sparkly fence, I mean, c'mon, Tazan, the fence material is pretty, but do we really need to stop?

But I was interrupted by a part of the fence swinging forward.

He tugged on my leash and pulled me through the opening. When the part of the fence was back in its original place, Tazan bent down and unleashed my collar.

Finally, I thought, shaking my fur.

"Go on, go play. But please, Rusty, come back when I call, will you?" He murmured, stroking me.

Get of me, man! I'm free now! I  thought, lightly nipping his hand and bolting off.

Iggy tried to keep up with me but was quickly left behind, panting.
I bolted to the closest tree and scrambled up it's branch's; marvelling my light weight and sharp claws.

I perched on the lowest branch and quickly spotted Iggy; slowly trotting in my direction. It took him awhile but he finally made it over to me; assuming his usual glare.

"How did you get up there?" He speculated, eyeing up the trunk of the tree.

I stared at him in confusion, "with my claws...?"

He still looked confused so I stretched down a paw, pads facing him and unsheathed my claws.

Alarm and amazement quickly took over the confusion in Iggy's face. "Do you remember that fight we had?" He saw the look on my face and wisely chose not to go into details, "well, when I left, I found I had scratch marks around my eyes! I was really confused, but it makes a lot of sense now." He concluded, showing me his pads.

" don't have any claws?" I said, tilting my head.

But before he could answer something caught my eye. It was a large, furry something. I scampered out to the thin branches, (carful to hold on, of course) and peeked out.

It was a native animal alright. It had lags floppy ears and curly fur, and it was brown and black.

Ohhhhh...I know what that is! It is a dog, of course. But not just any dog.The dog. Specifically, the dog that was in the lab. The one that growled at me and woke me up.

I couldn't believe it. I glanced over at Iggy and saw he had settled down one the roots.

So I settled down on some branches and watched it.

I was just dozing off when Tazan wondered over.

"Hey, Kar-kar?" He exclaimed, "where's your friend?"

Iggy sleepily opened his eyes and looked up at me.

Tazan plunked down beside Iggy, scanning the field.

"T'Cap! Over here!" He suddenly exclaimed, completely forgetting about me.

A very small, short, skinny, alien walked over. He was obviously a different race of alien, as his skin was a pale blue, and he had large goggles on, magnifying his eyes. He was bald , like most aliens, but had a small gotee.

"And...Sakari." Tazan said glumly, watching as another giant alien approached, and I recognized him as the first alien who was examined me.

"Hello, hello, how very good to see you," T'Cap exclaimed in a business like fashion, "where is this pet you keep badgering me to see? You said something about how you need me to figure out her diet."

"Oh. Well, you see...that is..." Tazan trailed off, looking awkward.

"Never mind. I have spotted her already," T'Cap informed him staring at me.

I could tell immediately that he was very smart, and very observant, if he were to find me that quickly.

"You did?" Tazan exclaimed, jumping up.

"Well, shes painfully obvious. Is she trained?"

Tazan was looking confusedly at me. "Well, she goes to the bathroom in Kar-Kar's box, if that's what you mean," Tazan informed him.

It's actually true, I really do. It was embarrassing, but it was better then going on the floor, right?

"No, no, not that. Does she come when called?" T'Cap said, exasperated.

Tazan's eyes glimmered. "Actually, we just had a problem with that recently." He muttered, "Rusty, come, please?" He added, pleading me.

Hmmmm. I say...nope!

I yawned, showing him my canines. I was comfortable here, why would I move?

"Would you look at that!" T'Cap exclaimed excitedly, "She is a predator! And a very wild one at that," he added, when I bared my teeth at him.

"You mean a carnivore? A human term," Tazan added, getting a confused look from Sakari.

"Well, actually, that would make sense! Just when I brought her here, she nipped me, and on the plane she was chewing on my book, and she never used to eat a lot of the lettuce I offered her," he exclaimed excitedly, answering his own question. "Oh! And, she caught a mouse! It's obvious that she has hunter instincts," he finished off, nodding like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wow. That was like seeing your brain work inside out," Sakari muttered, flopping down by the tree, and almost sitting on Iggy. He beckoned to Tazan and T'Cap, and they continued their conversation sitting down.

By my attention was focused somewhere else. A black shape a hundred meters away flicked in and out of the branches. I scampered to the end of the thin branches; tipping slightly.

There; on the ground; scampering around with a female alien. I didn't even think about how that was the first female alien I've seen up close; I was focused on the black shape. A familiar shape.

Holy mother fudge.


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